• One Day, I was walking to school. I got to the school and talked to my teacher.
    "Hi i am your tewacher how r u i am fun thank you so what are you doing here o I know its school right so is it okay if i steal your lunch today and the next day and the next and the next and over and over and over and over and over i went to the docter they said i might be disabled in the communication area do think thats rtue u don't have to answer that okay so how was your day-," the teacher just went on and on and on, never stopped talking.
    And I slowly, painfuly died. I fell straight to the grond. Every body screamed toward to me.
    I slowly saw myself in the hospital. I was a alien with a mermaid suit on..was I high or something. Then The dreadful teacher came over to me. His face was all messed up...like eyes at mouth and ears all googly and stuff. SWow, I was high I think.
    But I don't remeber anything though. Well well well! Strawberry feild forever Baby!!!!!! Sorry, dozed off...blah blah i smell, PINEAPPLE!
    The disabled teacher started talking (not suprising!), "Guess what? I ate your lunch!" He said whie I saw he was eating a prettyu messed looking hamburger that was in my lunch. Just hearing that made me die instatly.

    THE END!!!!