• At first she didnt love him.
    I mean, why love a short, raspy voiced nerd?!
    And everythime he asked her out, she shot him down in the cruelest of ways, always in front of a big crownd of friends and students.
    And he'd just nod his head and accept it.
    She didnt understand why he liked her, a girl to someone like him, unattainable.
    But she enjoyed kicking him down.
    The 8th time he asked her out she said "Ugh, Damn Rolan i will NEVER like you!! You look like someone punched you in the face when you were a baby!! Think of what your offspring will look like!? No, never and never. Get this-When hell freezes over, ill maybe give you a SPLIT second thought."
    "My names Reggy."
    "And? Go away, freak."
    Again this was done in front of everybody.
    He only nodded and walked away.
    Two weeks later he moved away and she forgot all about him.

    3 years later, a student transferred to her school.
    All her friends said he was hot, Gorgeous, absolutely FINE!!
    She sought him out.
    He WAS hot, gorgeous, absolutely FINE!!
    She introduced herself.
    When he saw her, a tiny smile played on his lips.
    She talked to him an whole period, without ever getting his name.
    She decided to ask him out, at lunch where everybody would see and be jealous when he said yes, afterall she WAS beautiful.
    At lunch she asked "Will you go out with me?"
    A smile spread over his face.
    "Do you know my name?"
    "um, of course, silly!" she bluffed
    "I was punched in the face as a baby, and did you ever think of what my offspring would look like?"
    She froze, the words seeming horribly familiar.
    Her friends snickered behind there hands, and she could feel her popularity slipping away.
    "Rolan??! She whispered incredulous and embarrassed.
    He picked up his tray and started to walk off, but not before he called over his shoulder,
    "My names Reggy."