• You wouldn't be able to feel the relief I had when I heard Shiloh's voice scream "They're all dead!" as she sifted through the piles of rubble, knowing in her heart I had something to do with this.
    "Should we pull them out, sir?" I heard an officer ask his commander.
    "No. Let them sit there and rot!" the commanding officer replied.
    A few moments later I heard the sound of cars driving away and the voices dissolving.
    "You all right, Krueger?" Shiloh asked, though she was unable to see me.
    "Yeah." I replied. I only had a machete sticking through me when I landed from what felt like a thousand foot fall." I'm all right."
    It seemed we were trapped in a room-like chunk. Mike was laughing his a** off and Jay was cleaning my blood off of his machete.
    I puled up my vomit covered trademark Christmas sweater. It was certainly toast. Bah. I didn't need it anyway. I searched for a way out.
    "Crap!" I yelled after about ten minutes of going around in cirrcles looking for an exit that didn't exist. "There's no figgin exit! I feel like I'm suffocating, and I don't even breathe!"
    "God Dezz! Would you like some cheese with that whine?" Mikey asked, sitting in front of the horribly mangled remains of what used to be a television.
    "Who's in there with you?" Shiloh called for the outside of our stone prison.
    "Mikey Myers and Jay Voorhees."
    A silence.
    "You're kidding, right? And all of you guys are in New York, why?"
    I looked to the two. They shrugged.
    "They just-um-drifted I guess. I'm here cause I invaded you and you pulled me out."
    Another odd snort from Jay.
    "You don't know how wrong that sounds man." Mikey said, keeping a straight face.
    It took me a minute to realize what they meant. I gave another sigh.
    "Is anyone out there?" I asked Shiloh.
    "Nope." she replied hastily. I touched the wall.
    "Stand back, girl." I warned.
    "Okay, I'm back."
    I hope she meant she was standing back and didn't just come back. I flicked the wall, shattering it like a rock through glass.
    I crawled out of the hole I had made, followed by my two...friends? I'm not sure whether to call the friends, or just the two as*holes I hang out with.
    Shiloh stared at my horribly burned flesh that was hidden under my sweater for so long. At least it was only a section on my right side, unlike my permanently deceased father, who was scarred all over. The hole from Jay's machete was snow viewable. It was like a little window through my body, one that Mikey felt the need to stick his hand through.
    "Sweet Jesus, Dezz, did Jay twist before pulling out?"
    Yet another enuendo. This one made Shiloh crack up. This was the first time I'd ever seen her laugh (much to my dismay).
    Mikey stuck his entire arm through the hole.
    "Michael Q. Myers, at your service." he introduced. His middle name starts with Q? He has a middle name? What kind of monster has a middle name?
    Shiloh took his hand and shook it, widening the hole.
    "Um, ow?" I said, questioning if this was painful or painfully annoying. Turns out it was just painfully annoying, as was the slap Shi gifted me earlier. I can't feel pain.
    "That masked figure right there is Jay Voorhees. He's harmless. Unless he's pissed of course. Then I advise you to stay far away from him as possible."
    She laughed again, a much cuter giggle. Cuter. Cute. I found it cute. A sign of affection (friendly of course, at least, I thought it was) a human emotion, in which I was far from human. Shiloh noticed me staring at her, unaware that I was staring at her. She stared back.
    We stare at eachother a long time before Mikey finally broke the silence with a "Are you gonna make out or what?"
    Shiloh blushed and I looked into the thrift store window across the street. I quickly noticed that my Christmas sweater was hanging in the display window. Not thinking, I ran across the busy street, phased through the glass and stole the sweater, putting it on as I walked back across. The next moment happened so fast. The sound of a bell ringing, gunshots, a girl's voice crying out in pain, sudden rage, blood everywhere. It took me a moment to realize that one, someone shot Shiloh in the shoulder and she was now bleeding heavily, and I was so overcome by rage that I slit the shooter's throat with my claws.
    I pressed a hand against Shi's bleeding shoulder, trying to make the bloodflow stop. It healed to my touch. So not only do I have the power to kill, I have the power to save? Bitchin'.
    Next thing I know we're holding each other tight, ignoring Mikey's stupid coments. This all happened so fast, but I enjoyed it. I had visited this girl in so many of her dreams, daydreams, nightdreams. Now I was actually with her physically, and at that point, I wanted nothing more but to stay that way. Then something else happened. She looked up at me with those deep green eyes, they taunted me, asked for me. i didn't bother to resist. I caught her in a kiss before she could say a word. I was in heaven at that point. It was like that fairytale, Beauty and the Beast, only I wasn't going to turn into a handsome prince.
    "Their lips worked together in perfect harmony." I heard Mikey narrorate. He was damn right. I felt a low moan scratching at my throat that I sure as hell wasn't going to let out in this company. I finally pulled away to let her breathe.
    "What the hell was that?" she asked. I couldn't quite tell if she was pissed or pleased. I decided to leave it at both. Either way, she didn't bother to try to pull away. She couldn't have hated it. She grasped my hand as we began our walk down the street back to her house, followed by Mikey and Jay of course.