• It was almost daylight outside when Lily caught a glimpse of John, the knight that was rightfully her boyfriend. He was trotting along a broken path of stones, on the back of a gorgeous black mustang. John was 18 years old and his beauty was one no one could explain. He had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, the most tanned skin one could ever lay their eyes on, and the most beautiful blue green eyes anyone in the kingdom of LoTot had ever seen. The most troubling thing to most teenage girls was that John belonged to Lily! They all thought the same thing, “Lily doesn’t deserve him! I do!! I do!” Lily thought of it all as nonsense, and just concentrated on her love life and doing her chores around the cottage.
    Right as she was about drain the angel hair noodles, she heard John’s musical voice coming from somewhere in the house. She looked everywhere, until a knock on the window in the kitchen caught her attention. “John!” She dropped her pan of noodles on the ground and headed straight for the door. She felt like crying, but this was no time to get emotional. She opened up the rickety old door to find John standing there with his arms crossed over his shiny silver armor. She held her arms out, ran towards him, and jumped in the air, hoping to be caught by his extremely muscular muscles. John caught her and held on tightly, for he knew he had news that would make her very unhappy. He patted her lightly on the back and set her down on the wore down cobblestone passage way. Lily knew something was up by the look in his eye. “Lily..I don’t know what to say…Oh Lily…” He murmured. “Something came up at the meeting, and I am afraid you won’t see me for an awful long time. The head knight chose me to go on a very important quest, one that could bring us millions of little gold coins. We could be rich! I could buy you anything in the world Lily!” He shouted. Lily’s eyes swelled up with tears, and John just looked down at the floor, regretting the answer he gave the head knight. “But you just got back. How could you leave me again? Even after just one day? When are you leaving, John? I must know ahead of time so I spend my time wisely with you before you head out.” Lily asked him, choking on cries. He frowned and lifted up her chin softly. “I hate to tell you, Lily, but I am leaving tomorrow, early in the morning around 5:00am.” John told her as he leaned in to kiss her softly on the cheek.
    Lily lays on the soft, burgundy, sofa that her mother had gotten for her for her wedding present.