• i walked into town, it was raining and the streets were nearly empty. i looked off into the distance, the castle stood their and if my sources were right that was where my beloved had been taken. as i started walking through the streets towards the castle, i was suddenly surrounded by royal guards. the captain walked up to me and said "you are under arrest" i replied "for what reason?" he held his swords blade to my face and said "i know not the reason, only that the king request you to be arrested and senteced to death" i looked around me, guards had surrounded me. i jumped up and spread my wings, i dashed through the air above the guards as black feathers rained down on them. i landed on a distant roof, but the guards just didn't know when to give up and once agian i was surrounded by what seemed like an endless amount of guards. the captain walked up to me and said "now you've forced my hand. i guess i'll just perform your death sentence now." he swung his blade at me, i grabbed it in my bare hand and crushed it. he looked at me and said "now i see why the king wants you dead. KILL HIM!!!" the guards swarmed me. i pulled out my blades, one by one the army that was sent after me was taken down. i walked up to the captain who lied on the ground shaking in fear and said "i'm guessing you're not to familir with the power of the blade of the twilight and blade of the dawn." i held one at his face and said "in other words, you were trying to kill a man who's powers you were unaware of." i pushed my blade and left a cut on the side of his neck. i leaned towards him and said "nor were you aware of the fact that he wasn't even human." i bit his neck and drained him clean of not only his blood but of his soul. this was what made me remember that i wasn't just a vampire, i was a cross breed of a demon and a vampire. i jumped back down to the road and started walking towards the castle agian. when i reached the gate, the guards stopped me and said "halt, state your buissness." i looked around, guards blocking off anyway i had off getting away and guards with crossbows on the walls. i looked at the guards that stood in front of the gate and said "the king's hour glass has run out of sand....." i summoned dark fireballs in my hands and contiued "and i'm here to kill him!" i shot the fire balls at the guards on the wall. i pulled my blades out and killed the guards around me. i shot a dark fire at the door and came in to yet another army of guards that tried to stop me. like i said they tried but they failed and lost their lives. i walked into the castle's throne room, i saw my beloved trapped in a giant bird cage. "mitsukai!" i flew up to her and tried to get the cage opened, i looked at her; she was unresponsive to me. "come now ankoku, i didn't think you would fall for such an obvious trap." he pulled his blades out and said "i know of your blades but do you know of mine, the blades of life and death." i looked at the kidnapper and said "i've heard legends of those blades but tell me, who are you?" he stepped towards me and said "i'm your brother ankoku, or did mom and dad never tell you. oh thats right i killed them when you were four." i looked at him and could feel my anger building up in me. "i meant your name." he looked at me with a smug grin and said "i'm ranpu, and today i loose a brother." he dashed towards me, i kicked his blades out of his hands only to have the same happen to me. we charged at each other, in a power struggle to see who would live. he looked at me and said "i'm guessing you don't know the other part too. the reason mom and dad named me ranpu is because i was born as an angelic werewolf, your polar opposite." i threw him into the wall, dashed up to him and pinned him their. i said "mom and dad may have named you ranpu for that reason but you are far from what they thought you were." he pushed me back and spread his wings out, a pure white color. he looked at me and said "now that introductories are finished i do belieave it's time to finish you off." he shot light blasts at me as i dodged each one. i yelled at him "YOU LOOK LIKE AN ANGEL, BUT YOU THINK LIKE A DEVIL!!!" he pulled his blades back to him and dashed at me, i pulled mine at just the last second. as our blades clashed he looked at me and said "come on show me that demonic rage mom and dad gave you your name for." i pushed him back and said "why did you do it ranpu? why'd you kill mom and dad? why'd you kidnap my beloved?" he looked at me and said "because i'm sick of feeling like i'm not powerful. mom and dad only held me back, and you are the only thing that can stop me from taking over this entire pathetic planet!" he started gathering energy, i knew what was coming. i dashed towards the cage that my beloved was trapped in and broke through the bars.i grabbed her and blasted through the windows behing the throne. i flew out with my beloved in my arms. i set her down under a tree in the courtyard as i watched the castle crumble around ranpu. when the dust had settled i looked and saw not one but two figure standing on a colom of the once standing castle. i dashed towards the closest colom and said "their are two of you?" ranpu said "oh thats right i forgot to mention i had a twin." they dashed towards me each holding a blade, as we started fighting i said "i'm sick of this ranpu. i just want you to die!" i blew him and his twin back. i dug my blades into the ground and started allowing the anger to take control, when i opened my eyes agian i looked at myself. the form i took in dire consiquences such as these. i dashed towards ranpu and his twin, i slashed with my claws and wathched the crimson wine spill out of their wounds. i jumped back towards them and grabbed their necks. i gripped tightly and said "looks like instead i lost two brothers today." i crushed their necks and threw the bodies down.i looked at myself in a puddle of water. i closed my eyes and remembered the one thing my father told me that i would always remember "find the will to protect that special girl." i may have been a child but i understood that sentence. i opened my eyes and saw my reflection agian, i was back to normal. i limped back to the tree where my beloved still laid. i sat down next to her just as she fell over into my lap. she opened her eyes and saw my face. she stood up and said "ankoku, what happened?" i looked at her and said "i saved you from apparently a kidnapper who was my brother." she looked at my scars and said "you risked your life for me?" i looked at her and said "yes, and to tell the truth if i had to go back i'd do it all over agian."she leaned toward me and said "thank you ankoku." "anything for you, princia." i leaned closer and kissed her. i knew i had many scars that were painful but in that moment i felt as if i could feel no pain what so ever, as if nothing else mattered in that moment.