• He was an angel, and I was his captive. To be a captive of an angel who can sin, is to be in love thrice over, and in love I was.


    I stormed down the hall, my stuff right beside me. I cant believe I had forgotten to look in a mirror, again! Gawd. I rushed out of the school. Running, I slipped, and fell my head rushing toward the slick concrete.
    A pair of strongly muscled arms grabbed me by the waist. I was turned around in a world wind of movement. I found myself staring into dark-brown eyes, that looked so rich with color, sorrow, and hidden secrets.
    “Are you ok?” he asked. Yes a boy had caught me. I nodded, my face slowly, lightly burning with a small blush, that spread across my cheeks. I backed away from his grip, only to blush more, a lot more. He was absolutely cute! With raven black hair, paler skin then mine, which is as white as snow, a wiry strong build, and glasses. My blush burned with a passion, and was burning my skin.
    “Uh… yes, yes I am fine,” I said. I turned around to leave, but the boy grabbed my wrist. He was blushing now.
    “Would, would you come to the diner with me?” he asked.
    “When?” He looked around, then smiled a perfect smile.
    “How about now?” I nodded, blushing. He looked about my age, 15.
    “So…” I started, “How old are you?” He stared at me.
    “15,” he said. I nodded. “You?”
    “The same. So… why aren’t you in school?” He looked at me, a lopsided grin on his face.
    “Parents just moved in.” Oh… We were still blocks from the diner.
    “My name’s Winter, Winter Senpai,” I said shyly.
    “Darkness.” I thought, nice name, yet weird. “You can call me Dark though.” I smiled. I looked at my watch. Crud, I had forgotten that today was a Thursday.
    “I have to go, see you at school tomorrow.” I ran, my feet never stopping.

    Darkness P.o.v

    “Darkness! Ugh! How dare you defy my orders yet again!” shouted God. Wow, dude needs to lay off the meds, and go to anger management classes. I laughed in my brain at the joke. Ya, like God would stoop that way. I looked at the mortals, my eyes full of envy. They were so fragile, so non-perfect. I wanted to be one of them. “Look at me whilst I speak young man!” I looked at God. “You are to live on Earth for one year. At that end of the year, I will give you a task, and you will have one year on Earth to complete it, if you succeed, I will turn you into a human, with special gifts my son. However if you do not succeed, any humans you fancy, and you yourself will be sent to hell.” With that, I fell, my wings of blood red feathers gone.

    I remember waking up on a sidewalk, only to see a beautiful girl, short blond hair, pale, tall, and gorgeous! She was falling, so I caught her. I think you know what followed. When she talked she was amazing, yet never did she sound lovely. Her voice was strong, cross, and a don’t mess with me manner. Her name suited her, Winter. I knew I shouldn’t have asked her to dinner, but I had. I looked at myself. Damn God. He knew I would fall in love with her! I pounded my fist against a wall. Damn. I knew right when I saw her I loved her. How could she love an angel of war and death. Death and war. How do those even relate to angels! I am no angel. I spat at the ground. No, I was a damn nuisance. Tears went to my eyes.
    I was in love with a mortal.

    Winter’s P.o.v

    I felt like I was giddy. I remember those days when I wished for wings, white like an angels. I had always loved my name, and had wanted power over the weather and ocean. Now I have them. Or I did in my dreams. Let me show you one, for I dreamed with a sight like no other.

    I looked at him, Darkness, a joy in my heart, for we were together… for eternity… for always. I smiled up at him, he didn’t see me. I frowned. Oh well. Damn him. He didn’t care, he had his eyes set on the prize, that prize was not me.