• One day a 16 year old girl was sitting at home all alone. The strangest thing was that she was sitting in a chair with her bedroom window open...and she looked like she was waiting for something. This girl's name was Arianna. Arianna knew she was alone... she had seen the dark young man with the bright red eyes. She had seen him dragging her parents off. When she had woken up to the scream of her mother, she had raced downstairs to find her family being taken away. The dark young man had turned around, when he turned around she saw them...his fangs, but as he saw her face he let out a wild gasp. He let go her family and ran towards her. Oh no! thought Arianna, hes going to kill me all because i had to come downstairs! She braced herself for the pain....but no pain came.She couldn't believe it! The vampire man was holding her gently against his chest and crooning to her "my love, my love". Then he swiftly but gently cupped her face in his hands and kissed her!!!! Arianna was in shock! She had never seen this man in her life before...all though he did seem strangely familiar. He had told her to wait upstairs in her room and to leave her window open. He had also said that he would explain everything later. Finally she saw him climbing through her window. She probably should have felt frightened or shocked or something...but she felt oddly comforted. As he cam in he sat down on her bed and gestured for her to come to him. Willingly she came and he pulled her onto his lap. She gave him a questioning look and he smiled and shot into his story. He told her that she was of royal blood and that her parents weren't the people she had been living with for as long as she could remember. He said that she had been the princess of the Vampire City in the big underground kingdom of the vampire world. He also explained why he had held her and caressed her earlier. He explained to her how vampires choose their soul mates. He said that as soon as a new vampire was born they were taken and carried down a long row of carriages of new born vampires of the opposite gender. He said that as soon as the baby was beside the carriage of their soul mate that the vampire baby would start to sing a weird, but beautiful song that no one but the soul mate could understand. If the soul mate excepted the request of love then they would share blood and they would always know who their soul mate was no matter how long it had been since they had seen each other. Arianna tentatively asked him if he was her soul mate. He said an answer that she had been expecting...yes. Then she asked him what his name was. He said his name was Prince Luciano and that he was prince of Blood City and that they were to be married as soon as they got back to the underground vampire world. For some reason that made Arianna blissfully happy, she had always felt like an outcast at school and during the other public activities she had to attend. She had finally found her place in her life! A couple of hours later they were in a huge palace under the ground. So far Arianna had been embraced and curtsied to by almost everyone who had seen her, dressed in a tight fitting, but beautiful red dress, taken to meet her real parents and other family, taken to the vampire doctor who told her that she should still be able to get onto a diet of drinking blood even though she had been eating human food for 15 years, and taken to meet Luciano's parents who announced that the happy couple would be married in a week! Finally Arianna had been taken to her and Luciano's palace and given her room. Even though her and Luciano would share a room after the marriage. hehehe heart