• Poem for the Heartless

    Endless darkness
    The hunger for hearts
    Trying to consume every heart
    Being controlled by the stronger darkness
    Destoryed by the Keyblade user
    That is the fate of the Heartless

    Born from the darkness in peoples' hearts
    Mindless collecting hearts
    Acting on instinct alone
    Once they steal the heart
    A new Heartless is born

    Each Heartless has different powers
    Depening on the level of darkness in it stolen heart
    The darker the heart, the stronger they become
    And the more very dark hearts stolen
    The more stronger Heartless are born

    Sometimes the Heartless
    Follow those who have stronger darkness
    That resides in thier hearts
    But if that person's heart becomes weak
    The Heartless will not think twice about consuming them

    In great fear of the Keyblade
    They seek out the user
    And try to consume the user's heart
    Not knowing that they will most likely
    Be destoryed by the Keyblade

    Although they have a hunger for hearts
    They devoid from emotion and were given the name of Heartless
    They come in many colors and sizes
    And with many different powers
    But they is one thing that will always in common in them

    In the end
    Light will always find it way through
    Even in the darkest corner of the worlds
    And that light
    Will set the Heartless and the hearts free