• The Holocaust was years ago, it's over and it's done.
    But when we say that, we are wrong: it's really just begun.
    For there's still people living low for fear of their own lives.
    Some men and women just don't think or
    Respect, but why oh why why why...

    Why don't people know its wrong to
    Make fun,
    Call names,
    Play games to just hurt others,
    Who only want
    To live, to love for a little in return

    Some people seem just evil, because they injure and they kill.
    We don't know why they never stop, God's the only one who will.
    But these people who make bad choices... we can learn from their mistakes.
    We can be so much better than them, no matter what it takes.

    They're fighting with evil, for nothing.
    But us... we can fight with love, for God.
    You know what you need you need to do...
    The same spirit that rose Jesus Christ from the dead
    is alive in ours heart today. Think about what that means!