• Choking on my words
    Drowning in distress
    No one to help pull me out of this mess
    I’m lifeless on the inside,
    My soul is fading away
    I wish I had the strength to say what I want to say
    My world is crashing around me
    Everything’s falling down
    Walking through life with this permanent frown
    I want it to stop
    I want it to heal
    But nothing’s been working so I have to deal
    It’s ruining my life
    Makes me shiver and shake
    Every time I speak I seem to make a mistake
    I can’t say the right things
    I can never get it right
    I hate having this stupid fright
    I don’t know why I’m afraid
    Or maybe I do
    People always say stuff that isn’t true
    I don’t care how you do it
    Just please cure me
    All I want is to be set free