• Darkness: Wait, watch, tremble in delight...
    Children play, children bring about fright
    As demons toil in endless, suffering night
    We, dark as it may seem, crave but with insight.
    Scheming and dreaming we waste away our future
    With myths of promising likness; taking a lethargic detour----
    Darkness! And we're thinning, love----Darkness is craving!
    Craving just as we did; lying just as we did while depraving.
    But what? What's left now for the two of us?
    We committed the ultimate act of deicide with our tongues made of pearls.
    We scraped away the innocence left on these streets and look at our children!
    My have they learned! My have they produced themselves as mad as we are.
    Perhaps darker, perhaps more menacing like sky-high corkscrews in the skull.
    And we're thinning. We the original gods of this new creation.
    I the Neo-Nero and you the Neo-Messiah.
    Funny how the irony goes.
    But Darkness is filling the pitcher now and we're seeing it half-empty.
    We're thinning, love. We're thinning.