• By no means does our world embodies the feel of what a utopia can be. To those who dwell in it however or whoever they may be; know that it's a utopia worth risking for.

    Where were you, when every individual began denouncing others for their own self benefit? Where were you, when the very thought of hate began to dwell within your body and spirit as your own self belief began to cloud your judgement of others? Why choose ignorance? Why choose arrogance? Depravity? Loathing? Anger? Disconnection? Prejudice? Outcast? Obnoxious? Snobbery? Disgust? Ill-intention? Disregard?


    When I look at my friends, I see how happy they can be on their own terms and how they're willing to accept what we all have to do for humanity. God was the one who made the standards; the Devil gave us desires for more. Both of them created this world and when someone came along to tip the balance for the greater good, God and the Devil makes an attempt to unbalance that scale to no avail for either good nor bad.

    They only do it for the benefit of what seems as "Morally" accepted.

    We began a war to earn favors; it didn't do as much good as worse. We tried to build and influence positivity; humanity wished to divide itself out of entertainment. We went to war with all nations; they revolted and lost. We were their salvation, we thought we were.

    Picking up the pieces, stepping over glass to accept the consequences we deserved; humanity was better off destroying itself because it was all they knew.

    No longer shall we accept the terms of what we can do to build a utopia for humanity and peace, the standards of God will not weigh us down for his benefit of forgiving our neighbors, when we should actually understand them and guide them to redeem themselves. No longer shall the Devil decide that it is our time to earn more and feed our flaming desires with unnecessary intentions or actions to achieve it; it is us who must enjoy the little bits of desires like a rare occasion we work so hard to get. We will help humanity gain it's own status, we can guide humanity to make it's own set of rules.

    Through us, neigh, "With" us; we can set the standards of our own utopia. For some, it may be viewed as corrupt and fearful, neigh, we contest; it isn't a sense of corruption or fear of those who standardized it, it is only twisted by nature, but necessary because it's best to become what we can be rather than being the worst we can become. There are no monsters around us, it's only us and you who tries to understand everything that surrounds us.

    This is our Utopia of Sacrifice, this is us throwing away what evil we're capable of doing; so that we can make this world a testament that can make God and the Devil envy us.

    They'll want to mark it as a dystopia to their followers, let them, for their followers would see that they can become our brothers and sisters as well. They won't have to fear monsters; when the monsters work beside them in earnest, they won't have to bask at the light of an archangel, when they could sing along side them to spread what good we really are.

    We are not corrupted by any means, we only twist the fate of what our ancestors laid before us to pick up.

    We only twist the meaning of "Dystopia". A day for everyone to remember, that the day on December 7th, 2141 marked the end of "our" war and the beginning of "our" world, our Utopia of Principles.