• " why is it snowing? you forgot to pay the heater bills?" i said. "nope. they say the abominal snowman did it. your propbly right though" said wolf. " aye wolf, ya know i was joking! with many creeps on this world,the snowman could me a better thought." and yes. we dont live on earth. we live on hollow eve. the headless horse men, the lockness monster,unicorns. you name it."wolf tick, hazardouse, and vincen. go after the army om snowmen. me and 8 star will take on the big one. go!go!GO!" said the captain of the team.wolf vincen and i went.when we reached, there were snowmen everywhere. vincen had a flame thrower, wolf had stars and a dagger, and i had had my long a** sword. i sliced snow mens heads, arms, carrot noses (i ate a few cause i didnt get dinner)and everything a snow man had. a few melted cause of vinven and a few got assasininated by wolf. most of them got sliced."i think we found the abominal snowman before 8 star and the cheif!" yelled wolf. dam right he was cause the ol' snowman walk on top of everything.