• She was just leaving her house whensomeone grabbed her and ran. She started to scream but was silenced by a hand across her mouth. As suddenly as it happened she was dropped on something soft. She looked up. She gasped out. She leapt to her feet and shouted,"What the hell?! You could scared. I"m- I'm Going to kill you."
    Seh started hitting him with her fist. She heard him chuckle then he grabbed her wrist and kissed her.
    "What no thanks for rescuing you."
    "Rescuing me from what."
    "School. Besides I thought you would like to see where I lived. Look around."
    "Where you live? I thought you lived in trees."
    "No I live in a tree. In a housein a tree."
    "A treehouse."
    "Yeah, I guess. But this is not your average one."
    She looked around and gasped. The floor was carpeted in plush red carpet. A King sized bed with red sheets and feather down pillows. That was so soft. A creamy colored sofa, loveseat, and chair.
    "Oh my God. You live here."
    "Its a mansion."
    "Your welcome."
    "Need to sit down?"
    "Yeah." She fell down onto the bed and laid back. She felt him settle down next to her. She rolled onto her side facing him.
    "So this is your room its beautiful."
    "Its cozy."
    He kissed her, then leaned back, picked her up and set her on his lap in the chair.
    "Do you like it?"
    "Yes I do."
    "Good. I hoped so."
    They sat there and talked until she started getting sleepy. She started yawning.
    "Here." He picked her up and set her on the bed and covered her up. Then he climbed in next to her and held her as she fell asleep.
    tab tab tab To be contenued...
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