• tricia sat on her thrown,her angel wings huge and wounderful.
    "gosh,theres nothing to do..." she said with her bored tone.shadows started to reep into the hevans enguphing the light that was there "its you...emily" tricia said holding her staff up "quite indeed,im going to take your land and use it as mine! i will absorb your powers! just to imagen ill have my weakness so no one will be able to defeat me!" she said with an evil smerk "ILL FIGHT FOR MY THRONE!" said tricia waveng her staff and angels come out of her staff "you will have to do better than that!" emily said summoning demons from the darkness,as they battle on emily is about to kill tricia when mitsuki,the water guardian came and summoned a water dragon and it makes emily drop tricia "GET AWAY EMILY!" he says water aua coverig hs body valerie,the fire guardian comes and shoots a blst of flame at emily "GO BACK O THE DEPTHS OF HELL EMILY YOUR A GUARDIAN THATS HUNGRY FOR MORE POWER!!!" valerie says with red aura around her,"hahaha! you cannot defeat me!" emily says riseing up into the air summoning more demons,as at the same time mitsuki and valerie summon creatures also,emily is thrown to the floor after the fght is over and tricia comes back up,healed "i shall send you to the depths of hell,makeing sure you stay there to cause no more harm!" tricia says,and then sarts a cantation,valerie and mitsuki join in and a giant black hand from the ground comes up and starts to drag her ss ahe screames for mercy "NO PLEASE!!! NO!!!! I DONT WANT TO GO BACK!!! PLEASE NO!!!" the hand fully grabs her in and the three sit down exuasted "thank you for hlpingme,if you hadent com,i dont know what would have happend" tricia says crying "its okay,we have to get back to our posts now,well drp by sometime okay"mitsuki says wit a smile as a blue blast of watr takes him back to the sea "me two,i have to make sure there are no eruptions...ill visit soon thoe,and your welcome" valerie says as a beam of fire takes her back o the volcanos,tricia goes back onto her thrown "well that was fun!.....but now its back to boredum" she says with a sigh as she starts to think to herelf