• Honestly, at this point, I really wasn’t sure what I was thinking. Everything was a crazy mess and I was out way too late. So, here we are now and I’m standing face to face with a very good looking guy. Did I forget to mention he was probably going to eat me? Maybe he would only suck my blood till I was all shriveled up and gross, but it’s basically the same thing!

    See, I would have turned to run by now, but you can’t exactly go anywhere when you’re pinned to a wall, now can you? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    “Your face is so pale. Are you really that scared?” The blood sucking beast said as he rubbed my cheek.

    Yes, you ignorant monster, I am indeed that scared. All the blood drained to my feet. I don’t see why you even asked such a stupid question. And get you hands off my face! If you want to eat me, just do it before I die of fright.

    Why are you grinning?! Don’t tell me you’re-

    “Do you think I’m going to kill you?” He asked as his face drew nearer to my own. “I don’t think I’d even consider doing that to you.”

    What the hell are you doing?! Don’t get so close to my face! Why do I feel so hot all of a sudden? I-I’m blushing! Stop making me blush you sick freak!

    “G-Get your…” I could barely even speak, which wasn’t really all too good.

    “What was that? Were you saying something?”

    Apparently not seeing as I wouldn’t be able to get any words out now if I wanted to. Don’t kiss me, you b*****d! God, your breath is so cold. I honestly think I would have preferred it if you would have killed me. Please remove your lips from mine now because, if you haven’t notice, I do not like this.

    Just when I went to lift my knee, the blood sucking creep bit my freaking lip. It hurt so badly and I was sure he’d drawn blood at that point. I don’t know what it was, but I felt really dizzy all of a sudden. You know, like when you stand up too fast or you haven’t had enough to drink? I almost thought I was going to fall, but I didn’t.

    Though, I really wasn’t sure why now that I think about it. I just remember everything getting really fuzzy and then going black. The next thing I knew, I was back home in my own bed. My mom was standing over me and she looked like she’d been crying for an hour. Her eyes were so pink and swollen that I had to look away.

    “What are you crying for?” I asked, not really expecting to get an answer.

    My mother was the queen of avoiding my questions. She always changed the topic no matter what I asked. After a while, it really got annoying so I really never asked her anything anymore. But, it’s not like I could go without asking her what was wrong. She was crying because of me. And, so, I waited for an answer that I believed wouldn’t come.

    “Felicia, I thought you were dead!” My mother screeched, causing me to sit up quicker than you could say ‘hello’.

    “W-What!?” I asked, the confusion only getting worse.

    I had no idea what she was talking about. Why in the hell would I be dead? Oh, wait… vampire. That’s why I would be dead. I forgot about that, didn’t I?

    I turned back to look at my mom. Along with the puffy eyes, her normally beautiful black hair was in tangles, almost like she’d been constantly pulling at it, and you could see that she hadn’t been getting enough sleep. She normally had the prettiest green eyes, but now they were dull and emotionless. It was like her soul had been sucked straight out of her or something. I couldn’t bear to look at her with the way she was.

    “Y-You’ve been asleep for a week, dear!” She cried.

    A week?! You’re kidding me, right? I was just outside with a vampire and you’re sitting here claiming I’ve been out for a week. Really, mother, you need to get a hold of yourself and start making sense. Though, I really couldn’t help but wonder if what she was saying was true. What if I truly had been out for a week?

    I would have gone on to ask her what she was talking about, but she wasn’t going to allow me to get a single word in. That’s the way she always was and always would be. Well, the worst that would happen is that she would bore me with some story. This is exactly what she was going to do.

    “Some man brought you home and dropped you into my arms before walking off. I don’t even know who he was-‘’ She cut herself off.

    It was almost like someone had put her under a spell or something because she fell so deathly silent. I shivered slightly when she never went on. She was really starting to scare me and I had no idea what to do. And, with a sharp turn, my mother left the room. She closed the door behind her and I was left with nothing but eerie silence and confusion.

    I slowly kicked my feet off the bed and made like I was going to stand, but my knees buckled and I fell to the floor with a ‘thump’. Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that I’m not particularly fond of having a bruised chin because of stupidity and that’s exactly what I wound up with. It hurt enough that I let out a small yelp of pain and only that.

    “Damn it!” I growled, pushing myself up into a sitting position. “What’s wrong with me?!”