• I woke up in Keigo's room. He was standing over me with a worried look on his face, his dark eyes full of worry. "What exactly happened, Keigo?" I questioned, a sudden burst of memory rushing back like a flood. The last thing I saw was Ryuu becoming instantly serious, and I leaped up, worried that he was still here somewhere. "It's okay, Yuki, he's gone. I made sure of that," Keigo said. I turned around, relieved for the moment. But the moment was gone as soon as I looked at him. I mean, really looked at him. He wasn't wearing any of his usual clothes, but instead was clad in an all- black outfit that was DEFINITELY not his style. He had a tight black mesh shirt underneath a long, flowing coat, and his black pants were loose and free. His hair was longer, a couple inches past his shoulders with shorter clumps of hair that framed his face. He was now wearing boots that looked like they could squash a five-foot tall scorpion, but what I noticed the most was the long sword he was holding in his leather-gloved hands. I stood in awe, looking at him and wondering if he was really my brother, until he laughed out a hearty laugh, the same one that could make anyone happy. "It's okay, Yuki, really. It's me, I've just gone under a little... transformation, that's all," he chuckled. I was still cautious, though, and I repeated the question I had asked earlier, "What exactly happened, Keigo?" There was an uneasy edge in his voice when he said, "Ryuu happened. I'm sorry this had to happen again, but it couldn't have been avoided." He continued on to explain that not only was I the most powerful magician in the world and that he was my servant, not brother, but also that I was 216, 200 years older than I thought I was. My mind was reeling, questions swirling through my mind, coming in and being replaced just as quickly. He stopped, and let me take it all in. As soon as I could speak again, I was able to choke out, "So, what happened in my room? What happened to Ryuu? How is this all happening?" He put his arm around me, and I just sat there, stunned. Only when he put his hand on my cheek did I realize I was crying. He wiped away the tear, and then touched his finger to my forehead, and I saw everything. Ryuu was standing over me, still laughing, when I burst into the room. Then I was thinking, "How am I here, but also over there?" The thought vanished as Keigo's voice floated to my mind, "You're seeing through my eyes, just watch what happened. So I did. Ryuu's face went serious, and that's when I remembered passing out. And that was because I walked up, and knocked myself out from behind. Ryuu straightened from crouching over my still body, and he looked at me with hatred as twin blades appeared in his hands. I held up my hand, just as Keigo's sword manifested in it. I crouched down, waiting for Ryuu's first move.Then he lunged at me, slicing at my body, wherever he saw an opening, I dodged his every move, holding up my sword to counter his moves whenever I could. He was shouting and grunting with every well-placed move he made, still, I avoided him easily, not making a sound. Ryuu continued to slice, chop and hack, and I jumped back and rolled to the side every time. Then, his blades locked with mine, and I pushed him back with all I had, until he jumped back, landing gracefully on the other side of the room. He was panting, gasping for air, and I took the opportunity to look him over. He was wearing white pants, white boots, and a white jacket with gold trim.The sleeves of the jacket had been ripped off, and his hood was down. I could see his gold circlet again, as it gleamed against the low lights of the room. He fell to his knees, and I could see that he had been exhausted. He looked at me, his red eyes glowing brightly, full of malice and resent. "Hmm, well you haven't rusted a bit since our last fight, I see. Well, I'll take my leave, now. But remember, I WILL have her," Ryuu said, pointing at me as he disappeared into thin air. As he vanished, the world started swirling and fading into a dull black. Then I gasped and woke up again, seeing Keigo pull away. He had sweatdrops on his face, as if that..... thing had been very hard for him to do. I pulled away, as nausea suddenly ceased me. I ran to the bathroom, keeling over and clutching my stomach hard. Keigo walked up and stood in the doorway, watching me with regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Yuki. That memory transfer takes a toll on both of us. You'll be better soon, though," Keigo said, still watching me. I stood up, still a little queasy, and he held out his hand. I took it, and he pulled me to his chest, as his free hand somehow summoned a black portal. He looked down, asked, "Are you ready?", and when I nodded yes, we stepped through. Leaving behind everything I knew and was comfortable with, heading for another world that would completely change everything that I thought was real.