• Book 1, Chapter 1

    Our story begins with a young boy of about six or seven named Otter Ray Xavier. Otter was a pale short boy with black hair and blue eyes. He was a normal boy who went to a normal school in an abnormally sunny town called Plainsville. One day, the clouds came around. And the clouds stayed for at least four days. You see, Otter was used to sunny days all the time. No one but the oldest elders had ever seen clouds. Every one was very tense that day for the last time there were clouds something very bad happened, something so terrible that I’m not aloud to say in this book it was so terrible.
    On this cloudy day, all the schools were closed, the shops were shut, and the houses locked. No one was allowed outside until the clouds went away. Now, Otter was a very courageous boy, and he did not like being shut up inside all day, so he snuck out side to play with some of his friends. When he realized that no one was going to come out and play, he started his way toward town to see if anyone was there. When he had reached Main Street, he saw that all the shops were closed. A young man comes up to Otter with a bulging sack on the ground behind him. This man is on every wanted poster in town with a $500,000 bounty on his head for mass murders and theft.
    “What are you doing here?” the man asks him.
    “I’m looking for my friends.” Otter replies.
    “You’re not supposed to be out here.”
    “Because of people like me”
    “Who are you?”
    “I am Alenjandro Tear.”
    “You don’t scare me”
    “I’m might not, but does my little friend?”
    As Alenjandro said this, he pulled out his handgun, which he had named, Haddox. Haddox is a. Alenjandro brings the gun up and points the opening end of the barrel towards Otter’s face.
    “Are you scared now?” said Alenjandro with a smile.
    “A little.” replied Otter.
    “You won’t be after this.”
    Alenjandro tightens his grip on Haddox and starts to pull the trigger. One of the fingers on Otter’s pale hand twitch, and the gun explodes. Not only did Haddox explode, but it took Alenjandro with it. Blood was splattered everywhere. All over the windows and doors of the shops nearby, and along the cobblestone street. Some of it got on little Otter. Some of the shop owners were looking out of their shop windows, when they saw that Otter, was outside with this strange man, which everyone recognized from the posters in all of the shop windows. And when they saw him and his gun Haddox explode, they were speechless at what had just happened right in front of their shops. A few moments after the explosion, the clouds started to drift away from the no longer peaceful town.
    The sun once again shone on the small town of Plainsville.

    To Be Continued....