• Mr. White stood where he was and walked over to the open door. He peeked his head out through the door. Nothing was outside just the stillness of the night. Mrs. White sobbbed.
    "Why? Why did you have to wish for the two hundred pounds?" Mrs. White asked.
    "It was simple wish. How was I suppose to know what would happen?! At least I wasn't the one to wish for our son back alive!! His body was damaged enough." Mr. White said.
    "I don't care!! I just want my son back!!" she cried out and began to sob.
    Mr. White began to laugh. "If you want your son back so much, why don't you go and join him!"
    Mr. White went over to the lantern and threw it down to the ground. The room was filled with light as fire spread around the house. Everything that the light touched caught on fire.
    "What are you doing?!" the wife yelled.
    "I'm ending this once and for all."
    Mr. White looked down and saw the paw. He picked it up and threw it into the fire.
    "No!" the old woman yelled and ran toward the hand. Mr white grabbed her by her arm and pulled her toward his chest.
    "What did you wish for?" she asked against his chest. Mr. White mumbled the answer. Mrs. White eyes were filled with terror. She struggle to get free. He held her tigh and didn't let go. The old couple closed their eyes and let the light take them away. The last wish that Mr White wanted was DEATH.