• Chapter six

    "We disappeared?" Leah asked astonished. "Yeah...." he said. "How'd you find out we disappeared from your I mean our world?" I asked. "Well, I just got back home from playing with my friends when I see the house empty. I thought mom and dad took you guys out for some fresh air so I went to the park to look for you guys but when I got there, nobody was there. I thought they just went somewhere else and forgot to tell me. That is until I walked around the park and found this." he said pointing to a charm hung around his neck.

    "This was a charm to ward off demons my dad made for my mom before they got married. I knew something was wrong the moment I found this. Mom never takes this off. I clutched the charm and ran around the whole town looking for you guys until my neighbor Mr.Dan told me what happened....." I knew I didn't want to know the answer but I was too curious. "What happe---" I was cut off when I heard a crash from outside. I run up to the door just to have it slamming on my face. "Oh?........ Kevin?!?!" Leah asked bewildered. "Ye-yea?" I asked. Leah looks at me worried. "Are you ok? I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were behind the door......." she said nervously. "I-I'm fine, just a little bruised." I said. "Oh and when did you leave Ren's room?" I asked.

    "While you were talking. I left to make us snacks and i errr sort of dropped some glass cups." Leah said even more nervously. "Oh thats all right they were only 5 bucks." Ren said grinning. "So where's the snacks? I'm starving." Ren added. "Well the only thing I could find was INSTANT RAMEN. Jeez ever heard of shopping?" Leah asked and for some reason her temper rising. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to snap." Leah said confused

    "It's alright. That happens the first hour your endownment awakens." Ren said. "Endown--" I started to say. "Ask questions tomorrow. Its time for bed." Ren said quickly. "Wait, what about our parents?" Leah asked. "No worries I gave them a letter explaining everything." Ren said casually. "Your rooms are down the hall, good night."

    Ok down the hall. Ah here's the door, but wait there's only one room. "Ren!!!" Leah yelled inturrupting my thoughts. "What!" Ren yelled rushing to us. "Why is there only one room?!" Leah asked shocked. "Oh, thats easy you guys are sharing a room." Ren answered casually. "Just step inside before you ask any more questions" he added noticing we were going to complain.

    Inside I noticed the whole wall covered with moonlight pictures. Everywhere I look i see nothing but the moon and it always seems to be above water. It took me a couple seconds to notice that there was a wall with a door in the middle of the room. "See, nothing to worry about. Leah your room is here and Kevin open the door you see on the center wall and thats your room. Now is everyone satisfied?." Ren asked

    Leah seemed to be really abosrbed by the pictures so all she could do was nod. "Thanks Ren, good night." I said. "Later" and with that said Ren left the room. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Leah." I said. "..........Huh?oh ok see ya." Leah muttured distracted. Jeez what a weird reaction. I admit the pictures are pretty cool but whats the point of staring at them like a dumb idiot? Whatever I shrugged onto my room.