• The Bells of the Church tolled in the Moonlit Night, resounding through its stony halls and corridors. The couple had wanted everything to be as perfect as possible - and it was. They had always dreamed of being married at Night, cloaked in the Silver Light of the Moon as it shone through the stained glass. They had even arranged for a small orchestra to accompany the Church Organ.

    The pews were filled to bursting, with relatives and kin of both the Bride and Groom gathered joyously to witness the union of their children, barely able to contain their happiness. The Orchestra set up in an almost militant routine. The Groom waited eagerly at the alter, alongside the Priest for the music to begin, and for his Bride to reveal herself.

    Her ravishing beauty was amplified magnificently by her wedding Dress: pure and white as the Moonlight which fell about her countenance. The translucent Veil obscured her Face from the Man's sight as he gazed upon her, standing in the Archway. Patiently, the couple waited several grueling, agonizing moments before the Organ released several notes.

    The Music continued as the Bride began to cross the length of the Cathedral. The moment was so completely perfect. It was as though they would have their happily ever after, just as the Valiant Prince and the Beautiful Princess in a Fairy Tale had. The Bows of Cellos and Violins now entwined within the Music of the Organ, soon to be followed by the soft playing of Metallic Brass instruments, and the deep sound of the WoodWinds. This Couple had commissioned a special piece to be Written for them - the perfect way to begin their lives with one another.

    As she passed through the rows of Pews, those in attendance were moved nearly to tears by her sheer beauty. At long last, the Couple stood across from one another, overwhelmed with their Love for one another, and Joy at the flawlessness of the ceremony. The Music faded gradually, though lingering softly as the Father began to speak.

    "Dearly Beloved," the Priest began, beaming with Joy as he read from the Book he held. "We are gathered here today..." He continued, only to be denied further passage by a horrific, yet magnificent note which resounded through the Chamber. The Music continued, beautifully, majestically, and yet, a great terror crept and slithered into the Church, and every living being in it.

    The Bride, the Groom, and the Priest were Frozen in silent horror as every tissue of their mortal bodies screamed in hysteria, unable to flee as they desired, as though restrained by frigid Vices. Slowly, the eyes of those in the audience began to glaze over, their pupils and irises fogging and gradually vanishing into white, mist-like oblivion, entranced by the Demonic Melody. There was a single second of unbearable silence as the beautiful, horrific Music came to an agonizing Fermada. One second of blaring silence before...

    Chaos unleashed itself. The Bride, Groom, and Priest stood frozen, almost statuesque as the Spell drove every attendant into a frantic, violent frenzy. Cousins, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Uncles, Brothers, Aunts, each began to attack one another mercilessly as the Demonic Music drove ever onward, increasing in volume and tempo, yet still retaining its splendor. The Sound feeding and driving the insane massacre. As the attendants began to dwindle, so too did the Music, the Phantasmal Orchestra gradually fading away into nothing but Mist, leaving the Pipe Organ to play in solitude, for only the frozen Ears of the Bride, Groom, and Priest to Hear.

    And then there was silence. Utterly and entirely. In a single, fluent motion, the Organ player rose from his seat, and began to cross the length of the Chapel, his footsteps echoing throughout its stony halls and corridors as he approached the statuesque trio. The Irises of his Eyes seemed to be flowing, rippling pools of Blood, illuminated from within by some menacing light. They Shone in the Darkness as he drew ever closer to his unmoving victims, powerless against the Spell.

    At last, he stood behind the Priest as a Long, Cruel Sword arrived in his Pale, Spidery Hands. Without a single word, the Organ Player raised his Blade and gazed across the Church to see the Ring Bearer. The Youth whose Feminine Blood had been so very sweet. His twisted heart relished this single moment of perfection.
    His Talon-like Fingers tightened along the Handle of his Sword...

    In one second, the Organ Player swung with all his might, and severed the heads of the Priest, the Bride, and the Groom from their shoulders, just as the Vampiric Ring Bearer Tolled the Bell of Death and sent the swarm of Bats fleeing from the Bell Tower into the Darkness of the Night.