• "Shut up!" "Make me!" A typical day with my father. He just can't accept that I don't want to stay in this disgusting little town. " I just can't understarnd why you don't want stay in arlington." "Mabye if you went to collage you'd know why." "What did you say?" A rhetorical question, I know that much. Sometimes I just wish my father supported me a little more. "Why can't you just accept that I want more than this town has to offer?" "What do you want from this town that we can't give you?" "I want fame, fortune, and power." "Well get out." "What?" "You heard me I want you to leave, if thats what you want so much, go out and chase it. Not everything is going to be handed to you on a silver platter." "Y-y-you're throwing me out?" "Yup, here is a thousand dollars. Get out. Get a job. And mabye you can get the fame and fortune that you want so desperatley." "All right fine. I'm leaving." I ran out of the door. Away from this town, and away from my father. I didn't know what I was going to do. But I knew what I wasn't going to do; I wasn't going back to my father.