• Katelynn woke up with a start. She felt as if something was watching her. She turned twords her clock and let out a frustrated sigh whenn she saw the numbers on the clock read 2:50 A.M. Katelynn let out a low grumble before flipping over again. When she turned the other way yet again, she let out a scream that woke her dorm hall up. sitting, well standing next to her was a doll. The ceramic face and curly red hair had appeared out of nowhere. The door slammed open and the light flicked on causing her to duck under the covers.
    "Katelynn! Whats wrong?!" Janice, the dorm adviser, waws the one to blind her with the light. Katelynn peaked her head out from the covers and looked at the spot of which the doll was standing. It was gone.
    "N-nothing Janice. Bad dream." Katelynn looked at her sheepishly."Sorry."
    janice looked at her like she was insane.
    "Really Janice. I'm fine." She got up from the comfort of her bed and scootched janice out of the room. When she was finally gone, Katelynn closed the door, flicked off the lights, and headed to her bed once more. When she pulled back the the covers she jumped back a foot, but she managed to slap her hand over her mouth. The ceramic doll that had caused all the comotion was laying on her bed. Katelynn reached down and grabbed the doll and threw it out her window. When she heard the shatter of the doll and saw that the dolls face was cracked and had missing peices, she went back to her bed. She tossed and turned all night long. She just couldn't figure out where the doll came from. She had no roommate and she didn't know any one that would be sneaky enough to get in her room. Even with the thoughts clouding her mind she still managed to fall into a deep sleep.