• 1/6/89
    Mommy and daddy are sending me to a different school where they say I can't see them any more

    This new school is terrible! Yesterday Marci hid my underpants and when I found them they were in the boy dorm hallway. It was so embarassing! It seems like she's turning everyone against me!


    Dear Diary,
    It's been three days since I ran away from the hospital. This hospital gown is starting to become a bit tattered. Mother said that the doctors wanted to help. But when they put that needle in, I just thought of everything that could've been in there. They were poisoning me. I know it.

    Dear Diary,
    What was Dr. Henson talking to me about? It started with a "P". Oh well, I'll think of it later.

    I can't help but think... maybe mommy was in on it. She was determined not to have me leave until the doctors were done with me, she made sure my room had no windows. I'm pretty sure she was in on it.

    Dad sent the police after me. I know it! I heard sirens! They're coming after me so I can't write much anymore.

    Today, I saw a hunter. I'm sure the doctors sent him after me. He had a gun and when he saw me, he looked panicked. I swear they're after me!

    I miss Jamie. Oh no! What if he was in on it, too! I can't believe it! Everyone's turning against me! What did I do? I love Jamie! How could he do this to me?


    Dr. Ryan says that my paranoia's getting better. What if he's trying to trick me so that I think I'm better, and then he tells everyone I'm ok even though I'm not and then when I go crazy and kill everyone he'll be standing there smiling.

    I'm going to go talk to him about it. I might need this lamp incase things get ugly... what if he tries to kill me?