• My nurse walked into the room holding a clipbored.
    "You okay, Mary?"
    "Fine." I made my voice sound a little bit stronger then it was before.
    "Ready?" She said as she brought in a wheelchair with a pony/unicorn on it.
    "More?" I groned, but heaved myself off the bed. She helped my into the wheelchair and wheeled me down the hall. All the while I watched one little girl walk by me, around four, wheezing and counghing. She had an IV pole and was refusing the wheelchair the nurse offered her. She was a puny little thing. Completly defensless.
    "Can I walk?"
    "You'll fall. No. Sorry." I pouted. As they put me on the CAT scaner-thing I sighed as the awful smell entered my nose. I have no idea why they are doing this again.
    The giant white tube that sounded that it needed to be inspected was only on for a moment. Then I jumped down and streched my arms and legs.
    "Time for your Echo."
    "No." I said but got into the wheelchair.
    "I think that I'm fine..." I muttered. The nurse wheeled me to the elevator and went to the bottom floor. As she took me to the room the lady that sat there was on a computer. It had vibrent colors on the black backdrop. The shapes and sounds I could not identify.
    "Hey. Ready?"
    "Go sit down." I shook my head but stood up and walked over.
    "Stupid thing." I muttered. "You're only keeping me here to annoy me and make my father and mother pay more." The nurse shot me a dirty look.