• Fiona rushed in, glaring at me. She turned to Allister, who was pumping out bright red blood like a waterfall. Or was supposed to be. He lay there, motionless. There were cuts everywhere on him, but no blood. Not a drop. He sat there, screaming. Glass pieces were jammed deep in his veins. "The window's broken." I muttered. Allister stopped breathing. His eyes turned a dark red as he searched face, to face, to face.

    Fiona's expression numbed. "Get Suzuki out." She muttered. "I'm her friend. Believe me, she doesn't want to see what I'm about to do." She continued. Devin took me by the arms and dragged me out of the room, down the stairs, down more stairs, and stopped. "You own a BAR?!?" I shouted. "Yeah." A women's voice whispered. A gorgeous woman stepped out of behind the counter. "Mum, this is Suzuki." Devin said gazing at me. The woman stepped to me and sniffed me. "What the hell...?" I was dumbfounded. A man stepped near me and mumbled to Devin. Devin nodded and ran me to the counter.

    He threw me behind the counter, actually. When I landed on the floor, I screamed. A knife shot into my back. In a second, I was being pooled in my own blood, screaming bloody murder. "Crap..." Fiona ran to my side. "FIRE!!!" I screamed. "Her back is searing with pain. The knife went pretty deep." Devin said, looking over the counter. Allister appeared and I reached to him, to hurt him. He stepped back and Devin appeared. "Devin....." I whispered. "Dad, she's losing too much blood." The last words I heard from Devin before I blacked out.

    *** *** *** *** *** ***

    "The pain, the pain, the pain.....!" I found myself saying. "Suki, you're alright." Devin said, and I flitted open my emerald eyes. My black hair was pulled into a Terra-Twist, and I was back in Devin's room. My clothes were blood-stained. "My dress, my beautiful, blue dress!" I cried. I suddenly moaned. Devin was gone. I closed my eyes again and felt myself being lifted.