• my name first of is gavyn, im a 14 guy and built like a football player ....well thats what i told . this happening was the weirdest well everyone had an imaginary friend right we all had our fun times with them. my imaginary friend was the lighter side of me you can say and i had told him, by the way i was 6 when this happened ....anyways i told him that it would be cool if he was real. so the next year i went to school this is the strange part the new kid a brown headed boy with green eyes came to our school and my teacher told him to sit in an open spot when he sat down a strange serge came to me he turns to me an said "long time no see old friend" this is wat was buggin me i said "hi do i know you " the new kid said his name was gavin , that scared me to death i got up for the end of class to go home and i did not see him. the next day i asked if there was a gavin in our class other than me she said no and my heart stopped he just disappered right after school that day i thought to my self looking behind me "well nice to see you to pal..........