A man stood on a dark rooftop, watching the lights of the city below with his green eyes. Well, he wasn't really a man. Not any more. He spotted a pair soldiers armed with exotic-looking weaponry walk along the street. They were there to keep the people from rebelling. And to keep an eye out for him.
It was actually funny. They actually thought they could stop something like him. And he didn't have such thoughts just because he was cocky.
“It's weird. Creation destroys its creators and all that. Though, in all fairness, they deserve it BIG TIME.”
He jumped and landed in a dark alleyway. The soldiers were in front of him, their eyes watching the opposite direction. His arm caught the hilt of his blade, the sheath of which was on his back. A katana. Yet not a katana.
The blade glowed with a blue light. He closed the distance between himself and the soldiers. A single slash was all it took and he was gone before their bodies even hit the ground.
”Oh, I totally owned those two. Heheheh. It's almost too easy, really. Don't understand why people are so afraid of them... wait, that's right. The tyrant's propaganda, which depicts his armies as invincible. After all those decades of oppression, it's kinda' true. But, come on! These European dudes are supposed to be restless! Yet not a hint of rebellion... tisk, tisk, tisk. The guys at the US of Arse at least do something... like send me here. I escape to the Yankees and all they do is send me back to do their work! Typical...”
The com-link in his ear beeped. A female voice came:
“Darken, you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, Jen. Just doing random terror attacks, is all.”
”Well, there are a few Yankees who fight, too... like her team, which I'm a part of.”
“You do know we have a mission, right?”
“I know, I know! My brain may not be mechanical, but that doesn't mean I lose data!”
“Fine, fine, calm down, metal head! Just find that weapons' cache and blow it up!”
“Got it. Darken the Awesome, out.”
His heavy boots landed on yet another rooftop. He went to the ground and crawled. The awesome-one was already in a red zone... trespassers were shot on sight here. Not that they could kill him, but he didn't need the commotion involved. There will be PLENTY of it when he's done.
His full-body suit's colour adjusted to his surroundings. So did the katana's sheath and hilt.
”I LOOOOOVE active camo... invisible in the day, in the night... anytime and anywhere! Booyaaah! Did I just say booyaah in my thoughts? Wait, how can I say something in thoughts?”
He shook his head and concentrated on the task at hand. His green mechanical eyes shifted into 'heat-seeking is awesome' mode.
”Why did I name it that? I swear, I get carried away during system updates...”
The large building in front of him lit up with red lights.
”One, two, three... forty, sixty... two hundred. Not that bad. Now, how do I get in?”
He spotted a moving supply transport down below.
”Hell yeah!”
He deactivated his awesome heat vision and took a dagger from his utility belt.
”Not as good as Batman's, but still good... lawl. Those comics are great.”
He thrust the dagger into the building's wall and jumped. It slowed down his fall and he landed on the transport with minimal sound. The joints in his left arm felt kinda' loose, though.
“Hmmm... I wonder if this old body of mine is getting... well, old. Replacement could be fatal, though. Damn... I wish I was a complete machine... then again, I wouldn't be as awesome, so scratch that.”
The vehicle approached the massive warehouse. His camo had already adjusted to the transport's pattern, so he was nigh invisible, again. He watched as they passed several guard posts, where many men stood, watching the surroundings. Infiltration at its finest.
A massive durasteel gate was in plain sight. The transport stopped for a moment and the gate slowly opened. His sensors detected all of the small, bigger and X-BAWX HUEG locks which had to turn and twist to permit entry.
The vehicle then moved again, its passenger kinda bored.
It stopped in a hall large enough to store a couple of airplanes. But this one was filled with crates. And those crates were filled with uncountable weapons and explosives.
Soldiers exited the transport and he slowly made his way to the ground and crawled to the nearest crates. His suit adjusted to their green pattern and he watched his surroundings.
”Patrols, check! Weapons, check! Explosives in easy to reach places, check! C5 bombs and detonators in my right arm... yup, they're there. Let's get this party started!”
He moved around the hall, avoiding all lines of sight, placing the bombs all over the hall. He almost got flattened by one of the transports, which were moving all around the hall, but all went fine, otherwise.
The last of the charges was placed and ready to blow. Now... all that was needed was a distraction. And what better way than slicing a few soldiers in half.
”Hmmm... I could just go all 'Chimichanga' and berserk on 'em... NAH! I ain't awesome enough to imitate Deadpool.”
The katana exited its sheath and glowed. He ran out from his hiding place, his camo dissipating, revealing his dark grey armour-suit. One of the soldiers spotted him, but he didn't have time to utter a single syllable. The man's head neatly fell to the ground.
“It's the experiment! Destroy it!”
Red lights started flashing all around him and sirens screamed. He had heard many such alarms. And he loved the thrill of escaping.
The first shots came his way, barely missing. Time for an action-filled escape!
He did a barrel roll to the left, but without Peppy's voice telling him to. A single leap and he caught onto one of the upper walkways in the hall. Bullets landed all around him.
He swiftly entered the building's inner path-system. Soldiers were hot on his heels... but he had the perfect cure for that. Machinery in his right arm came to life and soon, several shurikens were in his palm.
He threw behind and they bit into the wall and started... beeping. How he loved those sounds. The soldiers reached the location seconds later. Only one of them spotted the traps. Too late.
The hallway behind Darken was filled with flames.
He eventually found a staircase. Up, up, up! More bullets landed around him, but all that was in his mind was 'Up, up, up!'.
A door was in front of him. He rammed into it and it fell out of its hinges. He activated the com-link again.
“Any time now, Jen.”
“Roger... T minus thirty seconds.”
”Good thing she's precise as a Swiss watch... well, those aren't in production any more, but still.”
“Juuust great...”
Over twenty soldiers ran out of the roof-entrance and formed a half-circle. All of their guns were ready to fire.
A soldier with several insignias on his armour shouted
“Experiment G-1254, 'Brain Shell'. You are guilty of multiple cases of assassination, sabotage, genocide of military personnel, breaking into military zones and jaywalking. Your sentence is death. Any last words?”
“Yeah... enjoy the fireworks!”
At the last second, he jumped into the air and caught a... rope ladder. He looked up at the stealth jet which always got him out of a mission, although the escape wasn't always this dramatic. Jen's voice sounded in his ear:
“Do it!”
“Yes, ma'am!”
A remote detonator shot out of his arm and into his palm.
Back at the building's rooftop, the soldiers were confused.
“Who's gonna inform him? And what did the experiment mea...”
The whole area was covered by a blinding light as all the munitions and explosives detonated.
“Oh, yeah! That was SO worth all the trouble!”
“You gonna stay on that ladder or are you gonna go inside?”
“Even though the breeze is refreshing, sure.”
”Wish I could actually feel the stupid wind, though.”
He climbed upwards and entered a small chamber, which isolated the 'rope ladder rescue module', as he called it, from the rest of the craft. He closed the hatch behind him and entered the plane itself. It wasn't that big, but it was irreplaceable as a mobile command centre.
His operator looked at him with a smile.
“Mission accomplished, yet again!”
“Did you expect otherwise?”
The 'Overlord of Europe', Isaac Strom, sat upon his 'tyrant's chair', as everyone called it. He was not amused. And ordered yet another of his servants killed.
He then stroked his long grey goatee and said to himself:
“Just you wait, you half-man. I created you... and I WILL destroy you.”
The cyborg ninja just sat on a chair, back home. Well, in his room in the Metal Hawks' secret base of operations, but that was his home.
Then... his other communicator rang. He activated it and asked:
“84 here. You guys have problems a robo-ninja could fix?”
And, in his opinion, a robo-ninja could fix anything.

- Title: Rebellious assassin
- Artist: Tau22
A short tale about a certain character in a fictional reality I have.
Explains his past and stuff.
Character and plot (c) ME - Date: 05/28/2009
- Tags: rebellious assassin ninja robot darken
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Raayven_Wolfgirl - 05/14/2010
- To be honest, I decided to read this simply because the title, when shortened in spotlight's is entertaining. It just showed the first three letters of Assassin. Anyways, nice read. Wouldn't give it a full 5 star, because it's kind of a topic played out. No offense...^^'
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