• Link and I ducked behind a large wine crate. "Do you think he saw us?" I asked
    "I don't know C." he said, "Let me check."
    "Don't!" I said, but it was to late he had drawn his sword. It glittered in the sunlight. It was a scacred blade. One that evil may never touch, the Master Sword.
    "Be careful." I wispered, "And stop calling me C." He smiled, it seemed to make his face glow. Then he stepped around the corner. Ever so suddenly he was back as soon as he was gone.
    "Nope, that monster went back to the castle." he wispered
    "Okay now lets-" I had to stop as a groped in pain at my calf, it hurt so bad my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, banging up my knee.
    "Easy Cassie." he said, his kind, careful, and friendly self flashed through his eyes for a second. I was glad to see this because ever since the war he had hardened and he was hardly ever not serious.When I had woke up a couple days ago in Links cottage, It turned out that the monsters had come back after I had blacked out and had slashed my calf open. Link picked me up and cradled me in his arms. "Max's shop is only a few doors away, stay with me."
    When he said Max's name I smiled. Max and I were close. But I haven't seen him in months because of the war. When we made it, I was feeling better so told Link to put me down and I opened the door.
    "Max!" I yelled, tapping a small metal board with my finger nail so it let out a ringing sound.
    "Cassie!" he yelled, quickly walking over to me. "How are you?" He said, kissing me briefly on the cheek. I blushed.
    "Fine I guess." I said
    " I Have been looking for you because I fianlly found the perfect gift for you!" he said dashing back through the door where he had come through before. Link raised an eyebrow
    "My birthday is tommorow." I said averting my eyes from his, I hadn't told him and I could tell he was hurt.
    "Here it is." Max said, Handing me a beautifuly wrapped box.
    "I told you not to get me anything." I said, trying to hand it back to him, but he held up his hands, telling me to stop.
    " Open it." he said, I did. I gasped.
    " It's beautiful!" I said. It was a hair clip with five little silver horseshoes With Wisps of gold that resembled a breeze under them.
    "I know how you hair sometimes get in your face and you hate it when your in battle or just walking, so I had the smith make it." he said, taking it and using it to clip my waist long golden blond hair out of my face. Link gave Max a look that I took as possible jeliously. I didn't say anything, but I gave him a questioning look. I winced as my leg started to hurt again, I tried to hide the pain, but Link saw me react.
    "She needs to go to Renado." he said abruptly,
    "I'll take her." Max said, putting his arm around my shoulders.
    "No you won't!" said Link, I looked at him in surprise.
    "Why not?" said Max, apperentally also being taken aback.
    "Because." he said in a mean flat voice. " Just how do you plan to get her to him if you have no horse?"
    "He can take Starfire." I said, Link glared at me but when I flinched because of the mean look and my leg, he seemed to look guilty.
    "But." I said, looking from Max to Link,"I would feel better if Link took me because of all the monsters in the fields."
    "Okay..Guess I'll see you later then." Max said, turning his head. but as Link and I headed toward the door Max ran foward and caught my wrist. " Happy almost birthday." he said, kissing my hand then straighting up, giving me a kiss on the forehead and then hugging me. "Be careful." he said, suddenly all serious again.
    "Aren't I always." I said, giggling.
    "Oh yeah, I also had the smith make this."he said, handing me a slender object, wrapped in soft, rabbit skin. I unfolded it and took the hilt into my hands and gasping yet again. It was a beautiful sapphire studded dagger.
    " It matches my sword!" I exclaimed, running my fingers down the familiar swrils that ran sown the sleek blade. "I will treasure it forever." I said, Max smiled.
    "Isn't it about time for you two to be going?" he asked
    "Yes it is, goodbye." said Link grabbing me and going through the door. I waved at Max. Hoping to see him again soon. But I had no idea how soon it would be..................