• The sound of her boots slapping harshly against the wet concrete echoed loudly in her ringing ears. She could feel her heart lodging in her quickly tightening throat as she ran faster; searching desperately for someone, something that could pull her from this horrifying nightmare. A low chuckle pierced through the otherwise silent atmosphere, causing her to stop short.

    "Hello?" She cried out, feeling around helplessly in the darkness. "Hello, can you hear me?"

    The chuckle grew louder as she fumbled along, warm tears beginning to stream down her ivory cheeks.

    "Hello?! Someone, if you're out there, please help me!"

    She tried to control the cracking in her voice as she spoke. The low chuckle slowly turned into a menacing growl. rumbling off the cold stone walls of the tunnel she was running through. She picked up her pace once again, running from the blackening pit. She kept running until she could see a sliver of moonlight growing larger with each stride she took. She was within mere feet of freedom and safety when a large, dark figure presented itself in front of her. She let out a startled shriek and fell backwards towards the cold concrete. The figure thrust its arms out to catch her, yet not as to save her from falling.

    The figure, who's face she could no clearly see, loomed over her; pulling her into a tight embrace. Pressing himself flush against her, the stranger breathed in her scent. To him, she smelt of a wonderful mixture of passion fruit and sweat. He locked his golden eyes on her before sinking his blinding white fangs into her jugular, a spurt of deliciously colored red liquid rising to meet his face and clothes. She let out a blood curdling scream, soon falling limp in his embrace as he drank.