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    Chapter 3

    I followed as the eager policeman guided us to the "discovery". Another policeman that was already in my room as we came in picked up something from the floor, examined it for a second, and then showed us. What he held in his hand...was a bullet.

    "We found it smashed into the corner of the room," he said as I walked over to him and plucked it from his hands. He grabbed it back, like I had just stolen his most precious toy.

    "We can't find any traces of blood with our bare eyes," he continued, placing the bullet carefully into a plastic, zip lock bag. "But we'll do some forensics tests on it, and get back to you later." I nodded, and then the policeman said,

    "Mind if we ask a few questions?" I shook my head, and we all walked over to the kitchen table.

    "Were you there at the scene of the crime?" asked one policeman. I shrugged, and said,

    "I don't know. Maybe in a sense..." The policeman leaned forward, and asked,

    "What do you mean?"

    "Well," I started, "my friend told me he heard a gun noise on the phone, supposedly while I was still asleep."

    "What time was that, exactly?"

    "He told me around 4:00 am, but I don't know for sure."

    "4 am?" he said, surprised. "What on Earth did he call at that time for?"

    "Well, I had dinner with him today, and he was calling to comfirm whether my wife was coming or not. Which, of course, she didn't."

    "He called at 4 am for that?" he said, still perplexed.

    "Yeah...well, around then."

    "An early bird, eh?" he joked, that quickly back on subject. "Did he tell you what he heard after the gun shot?" I thought for a second, and then replied,

    "No...just that he was calling as an invitation, and that he heard a CRACK sound that sounded like a gun shot."

    "Tell me, were you with your wife at the time of the murder?" I nodded, and said,

    "As far as I know, I was in the same bed as her. But I don't know for sure...I could've been drugged with sleeping pills." The policeman didn't say anything for a second, and John Taylor inquired,

    "What are you saying, Jeremy?" The policeman, who's name was apparantly Jeremy, answered while pulling out the zip lock bag with the bullet,

    "I'm saying there's a possibilty the gun fired twice. If no blood is found on this bullet, then it was a missed shot, implying that the second shot was the death note. If there is blood on this bullet, it would mean the murderer would have to have been deadly close to shoot, like point blank. Otherwise he'd have to have really good aim for a tender spot in her body, or just have a really powerful gun...which in unpractical, and this bullet looks as though it came from a smaller pistol." He shrugged, and then added,

    "Or this could just be a distraction. Just a stall for the perpetrator's get-away." Right. This guy hasn't really left that part out.

    "We'll run a couple tests on it," he then said, heaving himself up. "We'll check for the amount of pressure put on it, the markings left on it, and..."

    "I know," I interrupted. "I'm a--I'm a detective." He chuckled, and then said,

    "Well, I thought I knew your face from somewhere," he said, still grinning. "This is ironic, huh?" Those words struck as a deja-vu, but I just simply nodded and smiled back.

    "We should be back in a couple days with the tests finished. It won't be long." I rested my head back in my chair, and muttered,

    "Not soon enough, though, I'm afraid." And as they left, I immediately got back up, and started to search the house myself. If the police themselve's wouldn't let me take the case, then I would take it onto my own hands.

    I didn't need any fancy forensics. With some proof, logic, and a note pad, I would figure out this case myself...

    Elizabeth... I thought. Don't you worry. I'm gonna be working my butt off...all week, all month, all year, and if I have to, all life. Sit tight. I'll get you venegeance