• “So I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight? I know you like that Phantom of the Opera movie, and I’ve got the extended version on DVD, and I was wondering if you’d like to come over and-”
    Cutting Terran off smoothly, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Now Terran sweetie, you’re not planning on cheating, are you?” Letting out a tinkling laugh, my smile relaying all of the warmth I didn’t feel.
    Glancing coyly to my right, I saw Annie’s pretty face flushed with jealousy and wrath. “Like you don’t cheat! I’ve seen you messing with just about every guy!” she sneered.
    Facing her, my golden brown eyes dropped all pretenses of warmth. “Of course. I only date cheaters, you know. Just last period Terran invited Emily over for the weekend,” I told her innocently.
    Widening in shock, Annie whirled on Terran, who was glaring at me. “Is this true?” she demanded.
    Evidently his stammers didn’t appease her, and she stomped off without another word. Turning on me, Terran growled, “What the hell was that for? I nearly had a date with her!”
    Inspecting my nails coolly, I didn’t react to his rage. “Please. You all ready got Emily to come over this weekend, and we both know that after you screw her you’re gonna ditch her like the others.”
    He didn’t answer to that, and the doors to the lunch room opened. Walking in and looking like a Greek god was Arin, the sexiest man and biggest playboy at our school. Clenching my jaw, I tried not to vomit.
    Smiling with satisfaction, Terran sneered, “I’m only doing what Arin did to you.”
    Biting down the desire to kick him in the groin, I allowed him a tight smile. “And look what I am now.”
    Turning on my heel, I flowed gracefully across the crowd to flirt with Gavin, who was starting to pick up another girl, the third one this week besides his girlfriend. Giggling coyly, I diverted his attention enough to make the girl lose interest. No one wanted who I toyed with. That group widely consisted of playboys, cheaters, and possessors.
    Secretly, I hated each and every single one of them with a passion. I hated them more than I wanted to be liked, so I didn’t mind making enemies. The odd few who liked me called me an Enforcer. I made sure none of the bastards got a good girl in their clutches. Sure, I made nothing but enemies, but looking back, those girls would realize I was helping them. My few friends were proof of that. Smiling grimly to myself, I turned to smile at another boy. Talk about a shady hero.....