Moi, in all my glory *snicker*

FoundInSong's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/18

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hooray for black clothing... and the occasional pair of rainbow toe socks

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the trash can - find what you will amid crumpled paper, flowers, and 4th amigo lucki pants

Hey, dolls. Welcome to The Trash Can. I sell what I find in my aimless wanderings. Please take it off my hands, and I hope you enjoy your purchase.
I try to offer good prices- lower than average, if possible- so I hope people realize this and keep coming back. I sell a lot of flowers, paper, trash... also anything that I pick up from the daily chance that I do not want, so Tokens, 4th Amigo Lucki Pants, Ocean Summer Tops, and the ocasional other accessory or clothing piece. There ya go. Guess that is it. Thanks, dolls.
If you have a request for a specific type of flower, paper, or trash, pm me and I can make an effort to find it. Otherwise, what goes out there is what I have.
If there is something I am selling that is actually worth a reasonable amount of money, I will trade it to you for 98% of the price. Because that is the amount I get anyway... Except, I have not really figured out the whole trade thing yet, so if you want to trade you will have to pm me first and explain it.


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if i can find the beauty in the dark
if i am singing lonely like a lark
if i will be a single cupid's mark

if you are lost and looking for a light
if misery is ever in your sight
if you know that the day is far too bright

if words are made to whisper in your ear
a single word too soft for them to hear
to show just who is ever near and dear

if i am made for you, and you for me
then love, then life, then hope were meant to be

Check out my work in the art arena:

"Losing the feeling of feeling unique" -Panic! at the Disco

Hey, dolls. Welcome to my page. Hope it's not too boring or anything. So, what's up in your life? Everyone has a story. Feel free to leave a comment, or message me. I'm always happy to hear from anyone. Really.

But anyway, about me. I'm a girl. I'm fifteen. Call me Song, or Chord, because I don't really like my real name (Cordelia). Though, I suppose, I could have worse than a graceful and memorable Shakespearean name. I do not have pink or red hair (okay, its not pink anymore) like my avatar does, but that's only 'cause the 'rents won't let me. Can't wait until college, baby! Heh heh.

I love singing and acting. I write songs sometimes, though a lot of the time they're not too great. I'm working on starting a band at the moment, actually. I love Shakespeare and Broadway musicals. My favorite role ever was JoJo in Seussical. Basically, he's a moody, morbid midget, and a main character in my third play, woot woot! Really though, getting a principal role when it's your third play and first musical ever is sort of a big deal.

A note on my theater craziness: The things I do for theater. I am a pink frilly wonder at the moment [not anymore] becasuse I'm getting into character. I'm going to be Phoebe in Shakespeare's As You Like It, and she is, in our production, a pink frilly wonder. So let the frilliness begin! [A note on the frilliness: The frilliness is over. The show is over. Goodbye, Phoebe.]

Now, other facts about me:

I despise improper grammar. I don't mind lack of capitalization as an artistic method, but beyond that... Just don't. Also, spelling? Ever heard of that? It should be utilized every once and a while.

I view originality as much more important than money and the ability to see trends. If you're so awesome, don't show it by wearing the same sort of thing everyone wears. Show your personal style with something no one wears, and make a statement with simplicity. (For the record, rainbow toe socks trump all comers.)

I am a massive math nerd. I learn Precalculus in my spare time. FOR FUN. And I go to math meets and hang out with friends who are three years ahead in math class but still have half my score (that's my ego talking), and this absurd amount of nerdiness makes me truly happy. I'm also a science nerd (SCHRODINGER!) and a total bookworm. It's a beautiful thing, coming to terms with one's own nerdiness.

I am currently playing a character named Humbelina de Mantal in a play. What. The. Swear. was the directress thinking?!?!?!

I have never taken drugs. I have never drank. I have never smoked. I don't ever plan to. I am- what do they call it?- straight-edge? I think that's it. I'm a good girl, apart from some attitude problems, confidence problems, and swearing. But I'm getting through the confidence problems.

Speaking of "straight", I am. 'Nuff said. And no, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, so don't offer unless you want severe verbal abuse and crazy-harsh sarcasm. I'm reasonably good-looking (this is me working on improving my confidence, so let me be an egotist again for a second there), even in real life, but nothing is worth the verbal diatribes you'll have to live with.

If you're still reading this, you're way too bored or are developing a mild obsession. Good luck with either of the two. If you're bored, try reading- it's an actual pastime that hasn't been driven into hiding by TV and texting.

Oh, and by the way?
Tiny Cooper HATES Over The Rainbow.
Prometheus, the titan who gave us fire, just banned smoking.
You WILL be married motley.
Ganymede likes thee not.
ROFL! What? Are you really rolling on the floor laughing? If so, stay down there while I KICK YOUR a**.
You're out of napkins.
Yes, Simon can turn you into something that can be sprinkled on popcorn.
The one at the end has taken the form of a footstool.
Golden... and luminous!
It's just a flesh wound!
Snuggly bumpkins?
"I'm trying to find my friend Pat." "Pat Foley?" "Yes." "No." "Yes!" No! "YES! Now shut up!"
You're allowed to think he's hot, just not date him!
Gay guys always put dicks before math. (Simon, no one in the history of anything has ever said that.)
We like to kidnap them in a van, and take them to somwehere dangerous... SURPRISE!

And if you're still reading, I'm way more amusing than I think I am.

Ninja singer, signing out.

a short note on formatting...

First, I'd like to credit that I learned how to format my page from this discussion:
How to Code a v2/Current Profile Guide
and it was very helpful.

Second, if the font on my page is the normal font instead of something different, please contact me. I need to see if the font I chose is generally available on all computers. Thank you!

If you're going to say something, say it... But if you're going to say "You're welcome"... Please, for God's sake, spell it right! please please please, don't disregard this! the only thing you're allowed to disregard is stephanie...

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theplotghost Report | 03/11/2012 11:17 pm
Likewise. smile
theplotghost Report | 03/03/2012 3:28 pm
Thanks for accepting the friend add. Much appreciated~
MyMindIsAWeapon Report | 11/29/2011 5:56 pm
Hey. Your kinda awesome. Really awesome. We haven't talked in a while, but hey, crap happens sometimes. Hope your okay. Thas all.
King_of_Infinite_Space Report | 11/08/2011 3:21 pm
dont be afraid of cha-ching cha-ching.
i'll see about friday. prolly. and no rents fine. or we could even watch something new... expand our horizons? naaah...
no hamlet's not a school play. a friend and i are running the production. he's horatio. and we need an ophelia... join us? it's an informal thing, but we have permission from the school to use their theater as long as we don't ask for money.
and no, shakespeare is fall but only some years. this year its a musical. im in that too. fr.
King_of_Infinite_Space Report | 11/07/2011 3:30 pm
good... i'm hamlet. again. razz

we might do rent next year! but they'll probably veto it. i wanna be markie
King_of_Infinite_Space Report | 11/06/2011 5:39 pm
hey, chord... it's me, mark... um, hi. love you, you know that righty? you really should call me more often.
Cute Paperboy Report | 11/02/2011 7:49 pm
Cute Paperboy
it is my birthday. and thank you ^ ^
Liebe Liese Report | 10/26/2011 3:25 pm
Liebe Liese
ma1ist Report | 10/25/2011 2:50 pm
Ookie, came back to complete it and just had the urge to spam on your comments wall some more.
ma1ist Report | 10/21/2011 8:33 pm
That poem was pretty awesome dude. I see you have some on the side, but I'll probably come back to read em.

[probably black, white, or gray] things i want (buy me [black, white, or gray] prezzies?)

"Hey, wanna be my BUDDY?" "Sure, buddy, let's go FISHING!" -Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan

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a few little words that follow me...

hey, doll. listen to the music.
if words are made to whisper in your ear
a single word too soft for them to hear
to show them who is ever near and dear


-these people- actually bothered to look...

Fluffy Floof on 10/29/2023
mystarry on 04/09/2020

third floor bathroom window.

i sometimes wonder what it would be like to jump off the edge.

i don't mean this metaphorically; rather,

physically, hands clutching at the window ledge.

would it be floating, falling, sweet intoxication?

death-defying, life-denying?


what would drive me to it? (easy.)

what away?

i step forward, lean out, spread my arms that are not wings,

and falter.

these questions are not for today.

"No, faith, die by attorney. The poor world is almost six thousand years old, and in all this time there was not any man died in his own person, videlicet, in a love-cause. Troilus had his brains dash'd out with a Grecian club, yet he did what he could to die before, and he is one of the patterns of love. Leander, he would have liv'd many a fair year though Hero had turn'd nun, if it had not been for a hot midsummer night; for, good youth, he went but forth to wash him in the Hellespont and being taken with the cramp was drown'd; and the foolish chroniclers of that age found it was- Hero of Sestos. But these are all lies: men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love."
-As You Like It, Shakespeare, Act IV, Scene i.

There is a book where the teacher asks
Write a poem
Write a poem about your happiest memory
The students, people living in darkness
Laugh at this
Wonder why the teacher thinks they have
Happy memories

The poems come out of their shells
Freedom in one
Sex in another
Tenuous memories yet to be made
Talked about by a third
Reading this
I wonder what my ever-loved memory is

You touched me once
The only time I felt your presence solidly
A hand lingered in my hair
One curl
One touch
One look
For once I was safe
And with that safety came surety of your love

There have been others
Other touches
Other looks
Other boys
None of them lasted
Neither did you
But you- you of all of them- felt safe

I write to you now
Emails with truth and blood
Truth of blood
Your responses flood me with disgust
You are righteous
Sure of your own innocence
And worried for my sanity

I laugh in your face
Through my pain
I tell you not to worry
Long gone and almost forgotten

You've stopped answering
I'm losing you
And with you
I'm losing that hand on my hair
That touch of a perfect golden curl
The one time in my ife where I felt perfect

My hair now is brown and ugly in my eyes
Not golden
Curls have become messy and unattractive
Not perfect
That's how they were when you loved me
And that time
Is over

One curl
One touch
One look
One moment of a memory
One breath
One word
One you

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found in song

finding myself through music and total mind-blowing randomness.

Gifts... yes, because i totally have tons of secret admirers

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future sushi...

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


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