• "Please!"

    "Go away, Danni."

    "C'mon, Emma, she started it! She kissed me."

    "I don't want to hear your crap."

    "It's not crap!"

    "GET OUT OF MY FACE DANNI!" the girl shrieked, slapping the boy and running to her car.

    Danni touched his cheek and felt tears form in his eyes. He wiped them away. "Damn it, tough guys don't cry." He rand his hand through his light brown hair. Emma was the first good thing going for him. And then his crazy-a** ex had to scew up his life.


    Danni walked into the party, eyes sweeping the rom and resting on the far side. There, stood Emma Moore; his girlfriend and the love of his life. He smiled and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her dark brown hair. She turned toward him, and he kissed her cheek.

    "Hey, beautiful." he said, feeling her blush. He chuckled at her shy nature. But that's what made her so unique.

    "Hey! Keep it in the pants, Danni! Emma girl here has a big day tomorrow." Emma's best friend yelled, laughing. Danni smirked.

    "Aww... I'll try. Want a drink, miss I'm-sooo-special?" he asked Emma. She smiled warmly at him before he turned towarrd the kitchen.

    Danni was about to turn around, when two arms snaked around his waist. He felt a body press against his.

    "Hey there, hot stuff." Danni frowned. 'Damn it, she's here.' he thought grimly before turning to face it; Shannon Allens, the definition of physco ex.

    "What do you want?" Danni asked, Venom in his voice. the Slut gave a look of fake hurt before pressing herself against him. Danni stiffened.

    "Why, you of course, and no little b***h is going to take you from me." She said. Before Danni could respond, she pulled him into a kiss, grabbing his neck with one strong arm and his hand with the other. She slowly slid his hand down her too-tight jeans. Danni pulled back, anger clearly visible on his face.

    "What the ******** is your problem, Shannon?! I told you, we're through." he spat. Shannon just laughed, sliding her hand across his back and making his skin crawl.

    "We might me through, but at least I have my revenge." She said smiling, before she turned and walked away with some random guy. Danni stood there, dummbstruck, until he felt a pair of eyes on him. He turned and saw Emma.



    Emma pulled over andand sat inher blue Volvo. her hands shook and tears spilled freely down her face. She heard her stupid ringtone.

    Emma fipped her phone open, staring down at the text message.
    Emz, let me explain, plz?

    Emma trew the phone into her bag and hit he gas. She sped down to her quiet neighborhood, then slowed as she approached her house. The lights were off; her parents were still at the business dinner.

    Emma walked into her room and threw herself onto her bed, crying.
    'How could he do that to me?!' she thought. She picked her head up and looked at the picture frame next to her bed. It was a picture of her and Danni on the beach, smiling and holding each other with genuine love in there eyes. Well, hers was at least.

    Emma wept until she heard a car pull up to her house. She groaned; If her mother saw her like this, she'd never be allowed to party again. The front door opened up and she quickly dashed into her bathroom, wiping up her face and squirting Visine in her eyes. Emma ran her hand through her hair before taking a deep, calming breath and walking back to her bed. She listened as the footsteps got closer to her door. They stopped just outside and Emma grabbed her book off the nightstand as someone knocked on her door.

    "No locks." She called, turning the page. She heard the knob twist and someone shuffle into her room. After a few akward minutes, Emma closed the book, sighing. "Look mom, if you wanted to say something, you should have ju-" She cut herself off, looking up ay Danni.

    "Emma." he whispered, voice cracking. It was obvious he had been crying. Emma stared at him, speechless. "Please, let me explain it to yo-"

    "NO!" She sreamed, finding her voice. "No..." Her shoulders shook as she sat on her bed, face in her hands. She felt Danni sit next to her and tentavely put his hands around her in a loose hug. "W-why did you do it?" She sobbed quietly.

    "I didn't. I swear, Emz. Shannon walked up, kissed me, and did all that s**t to get revenge for breaking up with her."

    "Liar." she whispered. She felt Danni sigh and run his hands through his long hair.

    "Just give me one chance to prove I'm not a liar. One chance Emz, that's all I ask." He held her until she stopped shaking and looked up at him. She nodded, and he let her go. Shocked, she turned towards him, only to be met by a piar of lips.

    Danni put everything he had into it; his love for her, his sadness, his regret, everything. He pulled her as close to him as possible, wrapping his hands around her slim waist. Emma slowly placed her arms around Danni's neck and she smiled. Thay stayed like this for a few minutes before breaking for air. Danni smiled warmly at her.

    "How was that for one more chance?" he asked, breathless. Emma didn't answer. She turned toward him, eyes full of tears, and Danni's heart sank. Had it not been enough after all? He blinked back tears before standing up. "I get it, see ya around, Emz." He walked towards the door, but felt hands around his waist, pulling him back. He turned and Emma kissed him forcefully, tears running down her face. She broke the kiss and buried her head in Danni's chest. She looked up at his shocked face.

    "That, Danni Michael Williams, was the most perfect chance in history. I love you." Danni pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head.
    "I love you too."