• Back Again...Bensen High
    The second day!! pt1

    Haturo walked through the door of her home worn out yet excited to go through her school day once more. "Daddy! I'm home!" Haturo called taking off her shoes and over-the-shoulder backpack. "In the kitchen, Sweetie!" Her father anwered back. Haturo took in a good whiff of what her father was cooking and her mouth immediatly began to water. She ran into the kitchen yeling "TACOS TACOS TACOS!!!" Her father laughed, "Yep! Tacos...be ready in about 15 minutes." "Awww! 15 whole minutes?! I will've deteriorated and blown away in the breeze by then!" Haturo whined knawing on her father's left shoulder. "I think you'll live," commented Hatruo's father as he kissed the top of her head, "Now, go do your chores. Dinner'll be done when you're done." Haturo sorrowfully shuffled her feet to her rok upstairs and began making her bed, cleaning her windows, vaccuming her floor and dusting all of her varius knick-knacks. When she came down stairs, she grabbed her backpack and dragged it up again into her room. When she opened up her binder, a note fell out. Inside it read "Hey Imouto-san!! Gimme a call when you can! T.T.Y.L!! -Yusa <3" And at the bottom of the paper there was a phone number. Haturo smiled and pinned it to the cork board above her desk. "Is dinner ready yet?!?!" Haturo called down to her father. "Yeah! Come down when your hungry!" Haturo ran down so fast, smoke was coming off of her feet. She sat down, plate ready and napkin tucked in to her shirt. Her father plopped 2 huge, grease dripping tacos on Haturo's plate. After her feast ended Haturo quickly had a shower and went to bed. As her head rested upon her crisp pillow, she looked back on the day; when she met Yusa, when she hit Aamaya, and....when she was extremly close to Hitske. Can't wait 'till tomorrow, whispered Haturo as her eyes closed only to open in the morning. Haturo awoke to her father's booming singing "OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MOOOOORINING! OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAAAAAY!!!" Haturo grumbled and covered her face with her pillow now covered in pools of drool. "Get up my darling daughter! For another day awaits you!!!!" Her father hollared flicking Haturo's bedroom light on and off. Haturo sat up, hair a total mess and mumbled, "I'm up I'm up!.....Wait! I have school today!" Haturo jumpe out of bed with her fists on her hips and chest puffed out (like a super hero). "I gotta get ready for school! Father! Whip me up some quick eggs and OJ and I'll get dressed!" Her Father returned the strange stance with a "Yes, of course my daughter! You need nurishment and clothing in order to carry out your day like the champion you are!!" Haturo laughed along with her father and got ready. After her quick breakfast and ride, Haturo was back again...to Bensen High.

    To be Continued...