• NOTE: I Miss spell things alot and might write like this: aBout or ABout You get the idea.

    Danny's Dream
    I had a dream about the great shake out .I was going on a field trip to a very tall building.Once in the tall building i decided to go down.I pressed the elevator button and BOOM! The earthquake happened.I Said"Was That The Elevator".But then i realized that it wasen't.'EarthQuake!' I shouted.The building Began to fall.I was Thrown inside the build.As soon as I saw the wall I yelled"I Loved you guys as brothers and sisters!".Then I ended up in my houe."Ah...it was just a dream.Then I checked my pulse and noticed I diden't have one.I WAS A GHOST! As a ghost if you do bad things you go to down!If you do good things you go up.I was doing to much bad things such as scarying people.Then they said"You know whate should incresse the ghost age.Now it will be ages 18-38 or higher!" So Then I Became somthing else.I became something i diden't know.I Could talk and people whould hear me and see me!So I went on the computer and checked google.Then on google it said that something special happened.I clicked on it and it took me to a page.It said the prist fell down.Aperrantly That was the building i was in.I Looked and it showed all my classmates.The Caption said: Those Who Have Fallen(Died).Then it showed my friends.The first one i saw was Anne.A Girl In my class who can draw really good.Then I saw Me And My Best Freind Roman.Next To Him his sister.Then apparently MapleStory Created them Charecters that looked like them.And above there name was there picture and below the maplestory pictures.I was so terrified.THEN I WOKE UP!(For Reals this time.!)