• I can the sound of muffled laughter.
    Where is it coming from?
    Whats going on?
    Where am I?

    Ow, my head kills. Whats that smell...? Alcohol? There goes the laughter again except this time its a little clearer. I rub my eyes and they open. Everything is a blur. I can see 3 or 4 tall figures gathered around me. They're laughing. The smell of alcohol is overwhelming. I rub my eyes some more and the figures become clearer. Yes, there are four figures. Four males, very tall, in their twenties I guess. I look around to see that I'm sitting on a carpeted floor in a corner.

    "Wakey Wakey" the tallest one sings. He has dark brown hair and thick eyebrows. He's wearing a t-shirt that is visibly stained with what i think is blood, exposing his large biceps. "Jeez, how much did you knock her up with?"
    I wonder why I'm not panicking yet. Maybe it hasn't hit yet. I think it's because I'm still busy trying to figure out whats going on. Ugh, I don't feel so good. I think.... I think I'm gonna-

    "EW. Stupid b***h, not on my shoes! Damn it!" the tallest one shouts at me. "Who do you think you are?!"

    Hmm... that's a good question. Maybe I should start with what I do know. Uh... I'm Emily Melville. Uh.... Im 16, just turned. When did I turn 16? Gosh it hurts to think. Maybe I should put that off awhile.

    "I dunno man, I just stuffed the whole thing in her drink." Another guy speaks. I look up to examine his face. I would say hes the 3rd tallest, or 2nd shortest, however you wanna look at it. He's blond. Short blond spiky hair and a goatee.
    Wait. He stuffed what down who's drink?

    "That was all I had left, stupid!" One of the four yells angrily, then whacks the blond in the back of the head. "That stuff isn't the cheap kind" This guy is the next tallest and he happens to be standing farthest away from me. He has short black hair coming out of a black tuque and I think he's the strongest.

    I can't seem to find my voice. I want to scream at the top of my lungs but all that comes out is a quiet rush of air.

    "Stand back Ron, I think she's gonna blow chunks on you again." The blond says to the tallest one.

    "Dammit Mark, couldn't you have chosen someone better?!!" 'Ron' shouts at the blond. "Oh well, we'll have fun with you, won't we missy?"

    "Where am I?" I finally am able to whisper.

    Ron squats down beside me and whispers in my ear.
    "You're in Ron's world baby, and here, Ron gets what Ron wants"

    What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Please tell me I'm not one of those girls whose been trapped by some wacko killer and gets a nation wide amber alert that no one can really help with.

    I can feel my heart rate increasing. Dont worry, don't worry. I've had this dream before. Now in about 5 second my Kyle should crash through the window right about now.
    Kyle.... When did I last see him? It feels like there's a fog in my mind. Like someone let in a smoking gremlin or something.

    I look up again. I better memorize these faces to write down when I wake up.