• "wow ! what a great day to ride a bike." the sky was blue, white, beautiful clouds here and there. The temperature was perfect.
    everything about this setting, was perfect. Even the road. smooth and smooth, no cars, no sticks, leaves, rocks ,etc. I ride down a hill go left and then right, i feel good about myself. like i could do anything if i tried. "well, will you look at this ! another biker !" this other biker joins me. we go down hills, left then right and both of us feel like we can do whatever we want. When i tell him where i want to go he says "no, its this way" i believe. i was the leader, and now im in it for the ride. i tell him "its a left turn" he says "no its a right." i follow. i believe. the road isnt smooth anymore. it turned into rocks. i knew i had to end this ride and go back. "no" i say. "i will follow, cause maybe the road will turn smooth later." the blue sky isnt blue anymore. its turning black and gray. the
    clouds turn black. thundering, telling me to turn around. i follow. then he makes me go on the left side of the road. i cant get out of this place, as if im cornered. if i brake, i will flip off my bike cause the hill was very steep. i cant turn on the nearest exit, cause its all poison ivy and other s**t. on my right side, he is there but wont move. hes making sure i stay on the left side. i scream. i cry. BAM ! he led me to a wall. i hit this car. im hurt. i trusted him, only to get hurt. it rains. it thunders. he says "sorry, i didnt mean to." sorry isnt gonna do anything. why would you do this if you cared? why would you talk s**t if you actuly cared ? no point. i walk home as it thunders and rains. im drenched with rain. in my mind, a storm. saying "how could you be so stupid to trust?" and " you knew this was gonna happen. why did you give in?" i stop walking. i sit on the cold, wet floor. i cry. i cry, cry, cry. The end.