• After a long time of walking in this sandy deserted area, I come across something. It walks on three long legs that are like boneless arms without hands, holding up a large tan sphere of body. It towers above me at twice my height. Since waking up alone so far away from where I am now, this is the first life I've seen. I need answers, so I approach it.

    "Who are you?"

    It turns to me slowly, shifting limbs around under itself to do so. In the center of the side of the body facing me is an eye, a much enlarged version of my own that I saw in glass. It responds carefully in a smoothly calm and moderate male voice.

    "I am I. I have seen and heard all. I know all." Its tone is entirely monotonous. It doesn't have a mouth for speaking, but I hear it anyway.

    I shake my head in disbelief. "How?"

    "I have been everywhere to see and hear everything. I see and hear all still."

    "No," I say lowly.

    "What?" It seems to sigh with a slow blink of its great eye. "It appears I have not heard all. Someone is defying me for once."

    "It's not all about seeing and hearing, I hope you know."

    "How?" It echoes my own question.

    "Can you smell?" I ask, answering the question with one.


    "Can you feel? Do you feel the ground you move across?"


    "Do you have anything to taste things with?"


    "Then you don't know all."

    "But I hear," it says, trying to convince me. "I hear and see all. I know all."

    "You are not like me. You may have seen and heard everything and continue to do so but we both do not know even the half of everything."

    "Explain yourself so I may know," it says, blinking again. It seems to do so not as often as I do.

    "No." I shake my head again. "I'll let you try to find that out for yourself." I turn and walk away, disappointed to not have found anything like myself yet.

    It screams after me, "Tell me what you know!"

    I turn slightly to it. It seems to crave knowledge just as much as I do. But it couldn't give me any answers. "I don't need to."

    I keep on walking; keep on searching.