• Sat in the wicker chair by the tower window, I gazed out upon the tiny village below. Tears blurred my vision. But I had no right to cry. This was all my own stupid fault......

    I'm India Hallion. I was walking to school one day when something rustled in the bushes. My breath caught in my throat. Was it something horrible and dangerous? A cat rushed out. No ordinary moggie though. It had glittering amber eyes, shimmering silver fur that shone with an unnatural light, a jet black tail that was tightly coiled above it's back and razor sharp claws. Those slightly frightening amber eyes were trained on me. I felt a strange compulsion, an overwhelming urge to stroke it. I reached out. The moment my fingertips brushed the silver fur, I felt sick and lightheaded. The world seemed to spin uncontrollably as I sank to the ground and I saw nothing but black... I woke feeling woozy, my head sore. I slowly got to my feet. I was in place I had never seen before. It looked like a quaint little fairytale village, with it's little thatched cottages and cobbled streets. Two dark shapes rose up a little further away. One was a church spire, the other a tall, looming granite tower. "Hello young lady, how can I help you?" said a kindly voice behind me. I whirled around. A pretty little blonde haired creature stood smiling at me. She wore pink elfin clothes and clear, glittery wings protruded from her back. A fairy! "Um.. yeah... who are you and where am I?" I said, still slightly shocked at being confronted by a fairy. " You are in the honourable realm of Litmus Downs. By appointment to King Litmus. I am a servant of the king, Rosa. Who are you, and where are you from?"

    " I'm India Hallion. I'm from another realm. " I explained. Rosa's pretty face clouded over alarmingly. Her kind eyes flashed with anger. " You are not from Litmus Downs? In that case, you are trespassing - with against the law of our realm. India Hallion, I am arresting you for trespassing on Litmus Downs land." She waved her wand and a thick piece of rope bound my wrists together. Try as I might, I couldn't break free. Another flick of the wand and the rope began dragging me along. We were heading for the dark tower. When we arrived, Rosa took me to King Litmus. He was quite handsome, but there was something in his eyes I couldn't fathom. It made him slightly ugly. He wore silk robes patterned with srange, beautiful symbols, and his dark hair was a mess. "Your Majesty," said Rosa haughtily," I caught this mortal trespassing on Litmus Downs land. How should I punish her?" The king considered me for a moment, and I thought he was going to let me go. He didn't. He suggested locking me in the highest tower room. Rosa grabbed my wrist ropes and began dragging me up a staircase.

    Kicking and screaming, I was thrown into a small, circular room. Rosa gave me one last look of burning fury before she slammed the door and locked it. I banged on it. I screamed. I cried. No one came. Now all I can do is sit and weep and wish I had never stroked that cat......