• Summery: You're awesome at a certain Chinese board game. The same one, in fact, that Iroh loves. So when you wind up on Zhao's ship threw a mystical portal you can only see one way out of Zhaos evil grasp, and that's getting invited onto prince Zuko's ship. Hopefully youll be able to keep out of trouble on it; then again, maybe not You X Zuko

    Chapter 3: Wish upon a star.

    You groaned as feeling began to return to your body, your consciousness returning.
    “Hey Miguel, I think she’s waking up!” You heard a strangely familiar voice say, but who was it, why would they be in your room? You tried to sit up only to have pain shoot up your arm and course through your back. I groaned but did not open your eyes.

    That’s right, I’m not at home… I’m in this strange world, filled with fire benders… At first your thoughts brought sadness to you but then you remembered why your arm hurts.
    The agnikai! You thought shooting up, your eyes snapping open as adrenalin pumped through your veins. Yea, bad idea. You doubled over in pain as a concerned voice called out in alarm.
    “Y.N. you shouldn’t sit up yet!” The voice said from before. Look around your memories began coming back, your disorientation leaving you.
    “Yumi?” You muttered looking over at her worried brown eyes. Miguel was behind her, the same look on concern on his face.
    “Yea, you okay? I can go get some pain killers.” She said worriedly.
    “I’m fine, really.” She gave you a skeptical look.
    “Really you worry too much.” You chuckled, trying to reassure her you where okay but you winced a bit completely blowing your bluff.
    “Right, I’ll go get those.” She said rolling her eyes but her hasty retreat alerted you, something was wrong. Looking of at Miguel as he watched her go, his look clearly stating traitor confirmed your suspicions. Looking around you noticed that although the walls where the normal gray steel with the normal random fire nation flags. But over on the opposite side of the fairly small room was a counter with a sink and cupboards. Looking down at your resting place you tried to ignore the semi blood stained sheets; you where in the infirmary. Looking down at your bandaged covered arm you decided to check the rest of your body. Lifting up your shirt ever so slightly you found it wrapped in bandages.
    That explains the tightness around my chest and stomach.
    Looking at your arm you lifted it to bring it closer to your line of vision, as Miguel made a sound alerting you once again to his presence. He instantly gave a look of regret to his actions as he sighed.
    “He got me pretty badly huh?” You chuckled nervously, but Miguel did follow along. He looked at you nervously.
    “How bad?” you asked, his nervousness becoming contagious. Yumi walked into the room and instantly caught on to the tense atmosphere.
    “Well, obviously you’ll live but, your burns may not heal…” He trailed off.
    “You mean… they’ll turn into scares…” you said slowly, comprehension dawning on your face.
    “Y.N. I’m sorry; we don’t have anything or anyone on this ship that could heal the burns.” Yumi said quietly.
    “It’s okay; it’s not your fault. The general just caught me by surprise. I’m just a little tired.” You said smiling softly; you truly weren’t upset by the news.
    ‘I’ll most likely freak a bit when I can see how bad they really are.’ You thought but you’d keep that little tidbit to your self.
    “Uh, Y.N. I’m afraid you can’t do that either…” Yumi said biting the side of her lip. This was starting to bother you, from what you had gathered of Yumi, she was normally very outward with her feelings and not to quiet about them either.
    “Why…” You asked slowly, cautiously.
    “The general… he kind of ordered us to put you to work as soon as you woke up…” Yumi said still chewing on her lower lip, searching your expression cautiously.
    -I told you nothing good would come of this! *points at me* (Me: Hey don’t be mad at me, this is all on Zhao.) But you’re the one writing the fic! (Me: True…) …
    -What the hell?! Let me at ‘em! (Me: I thought we’d agreed that you where taking the higher road and not doing that?) I never agreed. (Me: again true… Still since I’m writing it where taking the higher road ^_^) -_-U
    -Just you wait Zhao! I’ll get better at fire bending and I’ll challenge you again! (Me: Finally someone reasonable.) And then I shall defeat the fire lord and become ruler of the whole avatar world MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Me: Or… not… *backs away slowly)
    -… (Well… at least you’re not going psycho on me…yet)
    “Tsh, why am I not surprised?” You growled. Yumi looked relieved and then proved your theory right.
    “Yea, he’s being an a** just ‘cause you made a fool of him in front of the entire crew, I mean he deserves it! He’s always abusing his power.” She growled and you smiled back at her, the mood had lightened intensely.
    “Well, the only thing left to do is to find you a job that isn’t to taxing and only required one arm, since it’s best you don’t use it more than necessary for the first week or so.” Miguel said as you gave him a questioning look.
    “Let’s see, hmm I think I may know one…” He trailed off, and for some reason, you didn’t feel at ease.
    “Stupid water, stupid ship, stupid, stupid, stupid!” You growled out as you dumped yet another bucket of water over the side of the ship, accidently splashing yourself yet again.
    “Girah!” You yelled out in a frustrated manor.

    Miguel had indeed found a job that had fit all the necessities after your agnikai fight. You had first changed back into your normal work clothes, your other clothes that you had originally come to this world in where tucked away in the back of the chest that Yumi and you both now kept your valuables in. Your new job was then assigned to you. You where now on the cleaning crew, well sort of. You would make your rounds around the ship, checking who needed a change of water and if anyone did you were to lug the pale of dirty water to the side of the ship, dump it, go down stairs to where a pipe was where you would pump water into the bucket until it was full, and then either return it to the person who had requested it or put soap and a new rag in it. You where to do this over and over for about 8 hours at a time and then go around one final time to collect the water and from everyone, dump them and then drop the buckets off in the kitchen where other people who where assigned there would clean them and return them to their rightful place where they would be used in the morning again.
    It was simple work and only required one arm and hand but it was a lot of walking in the flimsy shoes you had been given for your uniform causing blisters and your arm and back hurt from lugging the full one gallon pales of water everywhere. At first it wasn’t so bad but after the first initial 3 hours blisters had started forming and your hand was beat red as if it too had been burned. On the up side the pain killers Yumi had given you where doing a damn good job, your arm and back hadn’t begun to throb until just recently and Miguel had given you a sling to put your arm in so that number one it wouldn’t bang against things by accident and number two, you wouldn’t use it by accident.
    It had been two days since you had begun doing this particular job and it was starting to take a toll on your feet and back.
    Setting the pale down you took off one of your shoes, leaning against the railing for support, and began to massage your sore foot with your good arm. At this rate you would definitely have to get a new pair of shoes for your self when you docked into the next town.
    Then you remembered.
    ‘I’m suppose to get off at the next port…’ You had forgotten… But did you really want to get off? To leave Yumi and Miguel? They where you’re only friends in this world after all…
    -Duh, I want to get off this horrible ship! I mean look what’s happened so far?!
    -No I need to burn the general to a crisp first, then we can leave.
    -*Agrees with number 2*
    You where also one of the few people Yumi had entrusted with her secret dream…

    Flashy back of awesomeness… (C’mon you know you love ‘em lol).

    “Hey Yumi… what’s an Avatar?” You asked quietly, happening to notice her walking past you as you pumped the water into the pale. Her eyes went wide as she looked around for anyone who might have heard you. Quickly she pushed you into a near by closet and slammed the door and turning on the light in one quick motion.
    “Are you crazy?! You damned amnesia is horrible if you don’t even remember who the avatar is!” She said fiercely. You where taken aback by her sudden mood swing.
    “Well why are you so jumpy about it anyhow?” She again gave you a look that questioned your sanity.
    “The avatar is the only person on earth who is able to master all four elements. Every time he dies he is re-incarnated into another person from a different land. It goes in the cycle, fire, air, water, and earth. This ringing any bells?” She asked, knocking on your head, you merely gave her an annoyed look. Of course you didn’t remember, you had never watched this show and you where from another dimension all together, not that you where going to tell them that. You figured if you didn’t want to be thrown into a padded room (not that you where entirely sure they had those here) you might as well keep to their idea of amnesia.
    “No.” Was your simple reply. She sighed in frustration as if trying to teach a teenager their ABC’s all over again.
    “Okay, so the Avatar is basically a bridge between this world and the spirit world, he’s also meant to bring peace and balance to the world.” She continued, still look for understanding in your eyes. She must not have seen any because she continued.
    “Since where on a Fire navy ship speaking about the avatar in such a way; or much at all for that matter is forbidden, an unspoken rule par say.” Again she didn’t seem to see what she wanted in my eyes.
    “The fire nation has been at war with the other nations for over one hundred years. The fire lord says that by taking over other countries it’s our way of sharing our greatness with the world. The avatar is the only one who can possibly stop this era of war and restore the four nations to the way they should be.” She said, her tone of respect and admiration to this avatar did not go unnoticed by you.
    “So… if he’s the only chance the world has of returning to normal, than the reason for not speaking of him is because he’s an enemy of the country and anyone caught speaking highly of him could be brought in for treason?” You said summing it up as best you could from the knowledge you and just gained and your government class.”
    “Yea, that’s the gist of it but…” She peaked out of the closet quickly, again making sure no one was around to eavesdrop.
    “but there is one other thing… I’ve seen the way the world looks at us, with fear and hatred and I’ve also seen what we’ve done to peoples villages, their homes, and I’m sick of it. If I ever get the chance…” There was excitement in her eyes now but her voice dropped to an even lower whisper than before.
    “If I get the chance I’d like to help the avatar, maybe I can teach him a bit of fire bending, I’m no master but maybe I can do my part to help end this war…” She said excitedly.
    “Wow, that sounds awesome! Maybe I’ll be able to help too.” You said smiling at her.
    End flashy back thingy ^^…
    You smiled and then noticed a star in the sky.
    ‘The first one of the night…’ You thought to yourself and, though making yourself feel slightly childish you began the small chant that you had learned as a child, as many learn as a child.
    “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” You muttered as you closed your eyes and made a silent wish that no one could hear.
    -I wish I could go home, get away from this dangerous place!
    -I wish I was a good enough fire bender to kick general Zhao’s a**!
    -I wish I could take over the world Mwahahahahahahaha!
    -… (Keeping it a secret, good thinking!)
    ‘I wish I could help Yumi help the avatar…’ You thought, then snapped open your eyes in surprise, you had originally intended to wish to go home. It was true that you wanted to help Yumi but still, it wasn’t your place here. Your place was at home.
    Maybe you where beginning to enjoy it here more than you thought. Well that is, despite being burned to a crisp, worked like a dog, and having the General of the ship being a total a*****e and hating you; you did like it her, here with Yumi and Miguel. Maybe this being stuck here wouldn’t be so bad after all…
    Wow! I finally made it, done with the chapter. Man I hope you all didn’t get to fed up with waiting for it. ^^u Please rate and review ^^
    -Okay, as long as I’m not in a hurry…
    -Fine but you’d better let me win next time during an agnikai!
    -No, you always call me crazy, and your story sucks anyways. (Me: And yet your still here, reading the third chapter, what a mystery.) … (Me: That’s what I thought.)
    -… (Me: well you can still rate, no talking required XD)