• Scene One

    Gale: (she yells to her sons sleeping up the stairs) Boys breakfast is ready!
    Leo: ( he jumps up and is awoken from his mothers voice he turns to yell into his sleeping brothers ear) Get up Lee!
    Lee: ( he screams) Get off of me!
    Leo: (he laughs) Get up mom said come down and eat.
    Lee: Alright.You didnt have to jump on my back.
    Leo: I know it just was funny.
    Lee: Just wait im gonna get you back.
    Gale: Good morning Leo.
    Leo: Morning mama.
    Gale: Good morning Lee.
    Lee: Good morning mom.
    Gale: You boys better hurry up and eat Kai and James will be over soon you guys have to leave early today.
    Lee: Oh yeah that tournaments today
    Leo: How could you forget? This is the greatest day ever i couldnt sleep at all last night i was so excited about today we get nonstop fighting for the Junior Martial Artist Title Belt.
    Lee: You get to compete in the Junior Competion I have to compete in the Teenage Tournament
    Leo: (he sighs) Man i wanna compete in the Teenage level I bet you I could take all those teenagers.
    Gale: How come you don't sound so excited Lee
    Lee: Because I kinda don't want to compete.
    Leo: Why not? Your the strongest out of all of us Me, Kai, and James this should be nothing for you.
    Lee: That's not the point I don't care about this tournament I dont really care about the title
    Leo: Your always being so weird.
    Gale: Leo that's not nice. Apologize to your brother.
    Leo: I'm sorry Lee ( he says mockingy) I didnt mean to make fun of you being so boring.
    Lee: ( he smirks and replies sarcasticly)Thanks Leo besides the only reason i'm entering is to protect my little brother.
    Leo: (he jumps up surprised)What protect me.(he yells at Lee) Take it back.
    Lee: Nope.
    Leo: ( he whines) Mom tell him to take it back.
    Gale: ( she smiles and laughs ) Nope you asked for it i told you to apologize.
    Leo: Ok your in on it to huh Mom?
    Lee: So lilttle brother what you gonna do?
    Leo: I need a lil warm up before the tournament anyways ( he jumps up and yells as he runs to play fight with Lee then there a sudden knock at the door before he makes it all the way across the table there mom walks over to answer the door)
    Gale: Hey Junai.
    Junai: Gale.
    Junai: Hi James and Kai.
    James and Kai: Hi Ms.Ryuu
    Junai: ( she speaks to Leo and Lee) Are you boys ready for the tournament?
    Leo: (he jumps up and answers her happily) Of course!
    Lee: ( he answers slugishly) I guess so.
    Kai: Leo I can't wait to fight you in the final round I just know were gonna go all the way.
    James: Lee we're so lucky we get to fight in the Teenage Level we're gonna crush them.
    Lee: ( he answers sarcasticly) Yeah sounds fun.
    Junai: Gale are you going to be at the tournament?
    Gale: No not this time.
    Leo: (he sighs)Your not gonna be there mom?
    Gale: Not for the beginning of the tournament but i will be there for your final match. Your dads coming home today and im going to go meet him before he gets home and then we'll be on the way to your match.
    Leo: Dad's coming home today?
    Junai: Oh yeah today is when Kai and Asukara come back from there training.
    Lee: (he smiles)Dads coming home?
    Kai: I haven't seen Dad in so long.
    James: Dad.
    Lee: Now i want to compete to show dad how strong iv'e gotten.
    Gale: I knew you guys would be happy to hear that.
    Junai: How could i forget that.
    Gale: ( she laughs) I wish i could answer that for you.You boys should hurry up and go over to your school to get ready.
    Junai: Yeah we'll see you boys later and don't worry we'll be i the crowds cheering you on.
    Gale: We promise to hurry up and make it over there okay.
    Leo: As long as you make.
    Kai: I'll win my first match for you and dad okay.
    James: You to Ms. Ryuu.
    Gale: Thank you James thats very sweet.
    Lee, Leo, James, Kai: (they speak all together) Bye Mom!
    Gale, Junai: (they speak together) Love You Boys! ( They close the door behind them)