• once long ago in antaint times of japan there were two gardians of the earth two dragons.one was black with white eyes he lived in a dark cave. then there was the white dragon with black eyes she lived in a white clowed in the sky. as the two dragons flew in the sky every day they grew closer and closer. one day the black dragon went to find the white dragon cause he was finally ready to confouse his love for her however he couldn't find her in her usual clowed. after searching for her for days and days he gave up figuring she abandoned him so he hid in his cave in a spiraling depression. a year later the the white dragon returened she found the black dragon only half alive in his cave. as tears filled her eyes she asked herself who has done this to you? the black dragons eyes slowly opened and he wispered you want to know who did this to me it was you you abandoned me when all i tried to do was love you. the white dragons eyes kept spilling over with water. finally she unclenched her fists and held a a clear heart up to his face it was carved into a heart. as the black dragons life slowly came to an end the white dragon wispered i was gone because i wanted to find something that expressed my love for you. now the dragons both faded into spirits now they were healthy and happy. but how can this be? the black dragon asked i died of greaf of losing you but how did you die? the white dragon smiled when i heard you died because of me i then too died becase knowing you loved me so much that it killed you brock my heart. knowing that, the black and white dragon had only one responsibility left. to make sure that the moon and sun could co-exist without one killing the other. this job tought them one lesson one could not exist without the other and it was thanks to the two dragons that we as humans now know of yin and yang day and night