• Tsu opened up one of his silver eyes and groaned softly at the pain in his stomach, the hunger was extreme. He sat up in bed slowly and felt a heaviness next to him and looked over, seeing Sabin asleep next to him, a worried look on his sleeping face. "I..." Trying to remember what happened and couldn't. He nudged Sabin softly. "Sabin..Wake up hun." Sabin opened his eyes at Tsu's voice and sat up, hugging him. "Your ok!" Tsu smiled and nodded. "Yeah..What..happened though? All I remember is feeling the greatest feeling ever, from you saying you'd love me no matter what, than I got dizzy and everything went black..." Sabin smiled softly, and patted his head. "I think you were just tired was all. But you scared me to death love, hahaha." He laughed a bit and held him close again. "I'm Sorry, Sabin.." Tsu said, in his arms and sighing a bit. "I...I'm thirsty.." He blinked, knowing exactly what he was thirsty for. Sabin nodded and smiled knowing as well. He tilted his head a bit and exposed his neck. Tsu blinked and looked at him "Y-You sure?" he asked, and blushed a bit. Sabin nodded, "Of course I'm sure Cutie. I don't want you to die because you couldn't drink. Besides, I'm sure I'll love it whenever you do it." He giggled softly and closed his eyes, waiting. Tsu nodded and licked his neck, and shivered slightly as his vampire side took over, sinking his fangs deep into Sabin's neck, his right hand caressing the other side of his neck as he drank deeply. Sabin gasped softly, feeling his blood being drank and murred loudly, and rubbed the back of Tsu's head softly. Tsu drank until he was full, his thirst being conquered, and took his fangs off of Sabin and leaned back, looking at him, a trickle of blood escaping his lips as he smiled.