• Bundled in blankets, the young girl laid in her bed, staring at the painted wall only inches from her face. She breathed in the rich smell of the wood and blinked slowly, as if trying to see if her eyes would stay closed, and then began staring again. After what felt like an eternity to her, she forced her lids to close and stay closed, squeezing her eyes tightly shut. But her bright blue eyes popped back open as if by their own will. She wished desperately for sleep to come, for pleasant dreams to fill her mind, but she knew that this night would be no different than any other.

    She sighed softly, wondering if maybe more darkness might help, contemplating whether or not to turn off her comforting closet light. It was a silly thought when she was already well aware of the fact that it wouldn't do anything but perhaps increase her fear of what might lurk in the oppressing darkness. 

    Her sandy colored hair fell into her face as she turned onto her back to stare at the whirring ceiling fan instead and she sighed again as she angrily pushed the curly strands out of her face. The action only made her feel even more restless. And the small change in scenery did nothing for her as she had hoped it might.

    Maybe if she called her brother in... He could always succeed in lulling her to sleep. The older boy would calm her with false hopes of better days, empty myths they could only pretend to believe in. Like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. She found it pathetic that peaceful times became like children's tales for the them.

    Yet, despite her yearning for sleep, she didn't want him to come. Didn't want to bother him anymore or hurt him with her weak tears. She would have to listen to him tell her that it was no problem or that he had already been awake and everything was fine. And she would see the drowsiness in his eyes and know he had been taken to the world of dreams before her. And her brother deserved it, deserved to sleep without worrying about her. He was entitled to rest after being her rescuer, taking her beatings and shame.

    "Shh... It's okay..." she heard whispered in her ear suddenly as a warm body filled the empty space in her small bed and wrapped her in protective arms. No doubt he was on the very edge, even with her scooted over all the way towards the wall.

    "I didn't call for you..." she replied, even as she clung to him, letting the trembling in her small body cease. He was huge compared to her petite form.

    "You didn't have to," he countered, trying not to grimace as she placed a hand unknowingly on a fresh bruise on his chest.

    "I'm sorry, Korbin. I'm so sorry..." she cried, burying her head in the crook of his shoulder to muffle the noise her falling tears had to make as they racked her body.

    He gently smoothed her matted hair, trying to calm her with soothing, placating noises. When her sobbing had subsided, he wiped away her tears with his good thumb. The one that hadn't had to be bandaged and set in place after being broken.

    "It'll be okay, Cher. It'll be okay."

    And the small girl slept despite her guilty conscious, knowing they'd have to go through it all again. Soon. The next night, perhaps. Because their mother had come home after being gone three blissful days, and the woman had brought a friend to stay with her. Because it seemed peace and happiness could only last so long in a house filled with bitter, unneeded hate.