• Gee…I didn’t know you’d be the one to pick up this book. Well, I’m glad you did though! Well, I don’t know how to say this, but welcome to the best story in the entire world! Here the grass is always green; everyone loves each other, and people sing when they’re in the happiest of moods! No one cries or dies! There’s no such thing as war or problems!

    Such happy lives on Earth, where people help out in case of disasters, where there’s always a hand to reach out to you to pull you out of the darkness. Such blissful assistance that humans can provide, underneath one sun! We manage so much and live in such prosperity, there’s no such thing as a president! There’s not even such a thing as suicide or genocide!

    We’re so prosperous that religions have finally overthrown their problems between each other and stopped their bickering with who’s the real God. They’ve finally agreed to leave each other’s God(s) alone!

    Such peace!

    Although I may be writing this, I hope you noticed the sarcasm in the previous paragraphs. No one crying? No problems? Oh, how I wish there was such a thing! Only a small percentage of my mind can I think of that. In this book, the grass is dully colored, everyone shuns others, and people only sing when they’ve gone mad. Someone’s always crying or someone dies. There are wars, but not in the 9-11 sense; in the sense of group against group (and I’m not talking about gangs, though there are abundances of those).

    Everyone has his or her problems. Everyone’s too busy with himself or herself to pull anyone else out of the cold and cruel darkness. We don’t really know if the president’s (yes, there’s a president) either adding on to or trying to stop the evil. We all wish that he would make up his mind already.
    In this world, there are the blind and the (metaphorically) insane. The blind listen to their own choice of authority, whether it’s spiritual or political.

    Everyone’s so wrapped up in religion, that they’re fighting everybody else to believe in what they do. Can’t anybody have their own opinions anymore? I mean not to bash on religion, for I find it reasonable. If you need morals, you need morals. I just don’t tend to them.

    The political fans just love the president. I find them blind and insane because, as I said before, the president can’t make up his mind. This country known as the U.S of A is driving on one-way road to nowhere—no designation at all. Where are we going to end up, who knows? Once again, I mean not to bash on politics, for I kind of find it reasonable. If you’re grateful for what this country has done for you, then you’re grateful.

    The thing I love about this world is the music! Oh, how the singers sing for world peace. But what does the world do? Dance to it because ‘it has such a trippy beat!’ I feel bad for them really. Okay, to be honest, I feel bad for only one band, and they kick so much butt. (I know what you’re thinking. ‘Butt? Is this one of those sissy books where they don’t swear, is it?’ No, I swear, but not so soon. We’re only beginning to know each other.) That band would have to be the one, the only, Scheme of a Down. No matter what people say, that Armenian band can rock the house. The fun part about them is figuring out the mystery message behind each of their songs, like Images and Slice Suey.
    By now, you’re probably wondering just who I am.

    Well, unlike everyone else, I have my own and unique problems, like being cursed. I’m cursed with such an evil life. Funnily, my life is a life that actually has a plot to it…a really creepy plot. Ha, why do you think I’m writing this? Wait, the plot of my life is not important now. What is is how I’m cursed.
    Where do I start? Well…I could’ve sworn I’ve been emphasizing this so far in the book, but I’m completely different from everyone else. When I say different, I don’t mean different as in I like coconut while everyone else likes pineapple. No, this is what I mean: Everyone else can jump eleven or more inches into the sky while I can jump up to seven feet into the air.

    After saying that, you may be going, ‘What are you, Superman or something?’ I would answer, ‘Pfft, long ways from it.’ Jumping is the least bit of what I can do. You see, every iota of my life is different; every iota of my appearance and abilities are different. My height is different from any of the other high school sophomores, my teeth are different, my powers…

    Whoops! I guess you weren’t expecting ‘powers.’ Another detail to explain; I guess I would’ve had to anyways. Well, relevant to having the ability to jump like a videogame character, I have more dexterity than any jock in the world. More strength, more speed…I just can’t fly. Sorry, did mentioning that I couldn’t fly kill the mood here? Too bad. Continuing, your logics, if you have any, might have led you to see that my favorite subject in school is Phys. Ed. I love having to play sports during my long and boring school day. I especially love it when we’re playing floor hockey and football (even if it is two-hand-touch). I just love taking someone down before English class.

    By now, you’re probably going, ‘So you can run and jump, so what? What else can you do?’ I’m glad you asked. If you didn’t, then I’m still gonna tell you what else I can do. Unknown of origin, I have a mind-boggling power…literally mind-boggling. It’s a unique power, it is. You see, whenever I want, I can make people forget things I don’t want them to remember. All I do is place my palm on their forehead and BOOM, no memory! I’ve used it before, but that’s a story for another time, my friend. A tale like that will lead to backtracking to events of my life that will ruin the whole story.

    Okay, now I’m going to describe myself and show you how I’m so different. Well, for one I’m the tallest and skinniest kid in my grade, by about one inch. I know, that’s not amazing and I may have lied. The things that aren’t a lie are my teeth. I have fangs like a vampire, so it’s easy to bite through most things. Oh, and for a heads up, I’m black and…um…gay. How did I find out? That’s also a tale for another time. No one knows, not even my mom.

    Friends? What are those? I have no friends! Why not? Because. I’m not fond of other people. They’ve shunned me (now I have a tale worth telling). Ever since people have noticed my differences, they pushed me away and called me a…a…I can’t say. It brings back old and horrid memories. Well, ever since that awry day, I’ve dressed and acted differently than I ever had. To me, it was the best change I’ve went through. Now I wear all black; from black hoodies with hoods big enough to cover my face, sunglasses (for Gym) to bondage pants and boots. The heat doesn’t bother me; it reminds me of the everlasting Hell I live through. I don’t talk to anybody. I only talk if the words come in a short sentence.

    So, so far, you know that I’m gay, black, and shunned by the world because I’m unique. I live in a Hellish world that would never freeze over. I have walked the streets in my lonesome…until that one day…the day I met him.