• Strange some called her, Shy and Weird others named her- but she was far from that. She had your average light blue eyes, nothing dazzling, frizzy brunette hair which is always in a high pomytail. She had a couple of pimples here and there on her face but hse kept her body in shape and always wore clothing that showed it off. Her name you ask? Shelkia Vector.

    Now why some called her shy or timid perhaps even weird was because she was a rather quiet girl, kept to herself most of the time. She was often seen out under the trees just beyond the school gate- or at a window staring at the sky, Shelkia-like most-didn't like reality, it was much to hard for her to handle along with her puberty and sudden flaws appearing. So, let's begin shall we?

    She began her day like any other, waking in her dorm room at Sisterly Prep. and after readying herself for class, began her way there, but as usual, she got distracted and none the less by a window- it outlooked the entire schools garden, she stared at the sky for a while onderin hat it would be like to be free like the clouds, she turned her attention to the plants below, and live amongst beauty.

    Thus- her day-dream began...

    She walked by some beautiful roses, aligned as the colours of the rainbow! She stopped to smell them in a rather dazzling white gown that hugged her slim figure. She wandered about the plants some more, smelling some flowers here and there, climbing a tree or two along the way and admiring the view- Shelkia had not a care in the world. The young girl, aged 14, headed outside the garden, she wandered outside of its' boundaries- into a lovely and very friendly market, she looked here and looked there deciding what- RIIINNNNNGGGG.

    The bell seemed to echo in Shelkias' head as she broke from her daydream and calmly walked into her class-late of course.
    "Shelkia Vector! You're late again to my class! This is the fifth time this week- and we only have five days of a classes a week!! Take your seat and I shall be keeping you after!" Shelkia walked to her seat, listening to the other girls snicker and give her smart comments, she held her head high, doing her best not to let them see her cry, she was embarrassed enough.

    The teacher prattled on about this and that-consistently getting side-tracked she began losing Shelkias attention until she began a day-dream about herself being a ninja, a rahter top ranked one at that....