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The story of the film so far....
Chapter Three, Spirits, Staffs, and Strange Secrets.
Chapter 3, Spirits, Staffs and Strange New Secrets.

Jacob awoke with a start and groaned. His body ached from yesterdays previous events. He sat there with his eyes closed a few minutes before he tried to get up, but found a strange weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and was met with another large yellow eyes. He couldn't help it. He screemed. He sat up with a jolt and the thing went flying across the room and hit the wall. Unfazed, it jumped up and mewed happily.

"Kyuu!" it mewed, bouncing up and down. It looked like a tear shaped boulder, with round little feet and no arms. He ran at him and leaped on his bed, mewing more with its strange high voice.

Jacob scooted back on his bed from the thing, trying to get away from it. His grandpa burst into the room, with a samuri sword, brandishing it screaming,

"What is it?!? Are we under attack?!?" he shouted, slicing the sword up and down.

"Grandpa! Pardon my French, but what the Hell is that thing?!?" Jacob shouted, scooting back and farther up the headboard, till he was standing on his bed. The little creature hopped up and down, and rubbed its body on Jacob's leg, purring.

"Oh thank God." Shizu said, dropping the sword with a look at the little creature, "Should have expected this. Jacob. This is your Spirit Ally"

"My Whoza Whatta?" he asked, with an incredeous look at his Grandpa. He finally stopped trying to avoide the Spirit, and it continued to nuzzel his leg.

"Your Spirit Ally. All Guardians get one." Shizu said matter of factly.

"Oh, well if thats the case. How stupid of me." Jacob said, his voice dripping of sarcasm. He eyed the thing nuzzeling his leg with intrest.

"Pet it. It won't kill you." Shizu said eagerly.

Jacob bent down and petted the top of the Spirits head. It felt oddly like some kind of fur. Not unpleasnt, just odd. He continued to stroke the Spirit, envoking more purrs from it. He grew more accostemed to the feel, and sat down on the bed. He pulled the Spirit into his lap, (he was always good with animals and creatures of all sorts) and rubbed the top of its head.

"What's you name?" Jacob asked, not expecting an answer.

"Su...su...Suiji!" it exclaimed.

"It can talk!" Jacob shouted, with an incredeous look to his Grandfather and the now named Suiji.

"Yes, they tend to do that." Shizu said with a small chuckle.

"Suiji! Suiji! Suiji!" Suiji exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed. It tumbled off the bed, and hit its head. It sat down on its rear and looked at Jacob. Then it began to cry.

"Oh no! Don't cry!" Jacob said, scooping Suiji up and rocking it back and forth. Suiji stopped crying eventually, and began crooning in Jacob's arms.

"Er, boy or girl?" He asked his Grandpa tentivly.

"Girl. The voice is much higher pitched then a boys." He told Jacob. Jacob took his word for it, and set Suiji down on the bed. She hopped up immediatly, and began bouncing on the bed.

"Come. Theres more." Shizu said, picking up the sword and leaving Jacob's room. Jacob got up, got dressed properly and followed him, and Suiji follwed Jacob. They went downt the stairs and to the back yard. It was a very large back yard, ten acres till you met the fence. The family still owned the land past that fence, but the "Yard" stopped there. Shizu walked thirty feat into the yard, and stopped.

"What are we doing in the yard Grandpa? Sparring practice?" Jacob asked, confused.

Shizu chuckled, "No. We are here for something much more important. Suiji." he called, turning to the little spirit, who ran up to him and looked up at him, "I need you to go get it. " he told her, stressing the last word. Suiji nodded confidently and ran back into the house, making little "Pip, pip, pip" noises as she ran.

"Whats it?" Jacob asked.

"You'll see. But right now, what I need you to do, is concentrait." Shizu told him.

"On what?" Jacob asked, closing his eyes.

"On a wepon. A wepon that feels right for you." Shizu said.

Immediatly, a picture of a staff flashed in Jacob's mind. Instintivly, he held out his hand in front of him, as if grabbing something. Jacob could here the sound of stones being broken, and the Earth opening up, be he didn't stop concentraiting. Then, the sounds stopped.

"Open your eyes." Shizu said gently.

In Jacob's outstretched hand, was a rich brown staff, gleaming in the morning sunlight. It looked very strong, and made of a type of wood Jacob could not identify, perhaps Cherry or Elder.

"What is it?" Jacob asked his Granpa. He twirled the staff in his hand. He couldn't explain it, but it just felt right in his hand.

"The Staff of Earth. Most Earth Guardians choose that wepon. Ah, Suiji. There you are." He said, as the "Pip, pip, pip," noises could be heard again. Suiji stopped infront of Jacob, with what appeared to be a flute in her mouth. Jacob grabbed the flute gently, and Suiji released it.

"And this is?" he asked Shizu, examining the flute.

"A flute." Shizu said simply.


"All right. It's called the Flute of Majesty. It is the Earth Guardian's most important tool. It is used for spells, to break spells, and such. And it plays a beautiful tune." Shizu said with a nod.

Jacob nodded, and took the flute and put it up to his mouth. He knew how to play many instraments. Guitar, piano, violen, trumpet. You name it, chances were, Jacob could play it. Flute was his specialty. He just liked something about the instrument, how it was so small, yet could make such a big noise. He began to play.

A light, musical tune erupted from the Flute. It was cheery and bright, and told a song of happiness. The longer Jacob played, the more he noticed the response he was getting. Stones were moving about in a happy manner, flowers were waving, though there was no trace of wind. Suiji was bouncing up and down more and higher then usual. Then he stopped.

The effect was immediate. The stone and the flowers stopped moving, and Suiji settled down. Jacob leg the flute dangle at his hips as he moved his hand down.

"That was....amazing, to say the least." Jacob said, panting slightly. He felt incredably powerful when he played the Flute, full of strength and determination.

"Here." Shizu said, holding out a thin hoster to Jacob. Jacob took it, and placed the flute inside it, and clipped the top shut. "Keep the flute with you at all times. You'll never know when you will need it." Shizu told him, "Now. You need to head to school." Jacob nodded, and ran upstairs to finish getting ready. It was Friday, the last day till the weekend.

He finished packing his bag, and Suiji was bouncing around, following him wherever he went.

"Suiji. Your gonna have to stay put, I can't take you to school with me." He told her as he headed to the bathroom. Suiji puffed up in anger, but did nothing else as shut the bathroom door and brushed his teeth. When Jacob opened the door, she was gone.

"Oh well. It needed to be done." Jacob said picking up his backpack. "Ugh, these things are getting heavier and heavier. I need to bring the CDs home." He walked out the door and headed down the road. He ran to the bus stop he took to school, and waited for it. A couple of other kids where there, but it seemed some of his classmates weren't coming today. Finally, the bus came and the few kids got on it. Jacob found a seat halfway through, and sat down.

He put his head on the window of the bus and stared outside, at the street and moving cars. Then a movement caught his eye. His bag was moving!

"What the hell?" he muttered, as he unziped his backpack.

"Suiji!" came a noise from his backpack.

"No. Oh God, please no." Jacob prayed as he unziped his backpack further.

"Suiji!" She exclaimed again, as her head popped out of the backpack.

"What the Hell are you doing in there?" Jacob asked incredeously, a little loudly.

"Whats going on back there?" The bus driver asked, looking in his rear mirror at Jacob.

"Nothing. Sorry Mr. Jhonson." Jacob said nervously. He shoved Suiji in his backpack, and zipped it shut. This is not turning out to be a good day. Minutes later, the bus pulled into the school, and the children got off.

"All right, listen. You stay in my backpack, you don't come out, understand?" He told Suiji through his backpack as he walked through the halls to the usual meeting place where him and his friends hung out in the mornings.

"Who are you talking to?" A voice asked behind him.

"Kelly!" he meeped, shoving his backpack on his shoulders, "No one. Just me." he chuckled nervously.

Kelly Hiet, one of Jacob's best friends stood infront of him, with a curious look on her face. Standing at five feet, six inches tall, Kelly came up to about Jacob's chest. Kelly was a drawing master, though she would never admit it, and she drew all the pictures Jacob needed for his storys he wrote. She was a little shy when you first met her, but when you get to know her she really opened up. Taking a sip from her signature bottle of AMP she usually always had, Kelly shrugged.

"All right then. Lets go." She said, walking off twords the meeting place. Jacob followed Kelly down the outside hallways, through the halls of kids still trying to wake up. They got to a little grove, with a metal room hanging off one of the buildings, with metal poles holding it up. They usually hung out around the middle poll. Today was no exception.

A knot of about ten kids were standing there, chatting. Except for Becky. Becky was another of Jacob's friends. She was just over five feet tall, and hated to be reminded of it. Jacob, Kelly and everyone who knew Becky believed that one day, she would rule the world. One of the first things she'd do when she took over; eliminate all tall people. Jacob was an exception, he gave her a cookie one day.

Becky stood at the pole a few feet away from their usual pole, and Jacob and Kelly headed for her.

"Stupid people." Becky muttered, eyeing the people standing at the other pole, "Invading my personal space....I was there first..." she grumbled, letting out a string of curses under her breath.

"Hello there Miss Sunshine." Jacob teased.

"Quite Bub. One more word..." Becky threatened.

Jacob held up his hands in peace, and set his backpack down, quite forgeting the little creature in his backpack.

"No Aisha?" Kelly asked, looking around for there other friend.

"I'm here" Aisha said behind Kelly, panting slightly. She had just ran from the car drop off to get to them.

"About time Tree Slave. Hold my lunchbox." Becky commanded. Aisha took hold of the lunchbox, and held it obediently with a slight roll of her eyes. She wasn't really Beckys slave, it was just best to keep her happy. Especially in the mornings.

Aisha was roughly the same hight as Kelly, and a little more, perky, in the mornings. She loved spending time with her friends, and detested math. She was almost afraid of it. So Jacob would occasionally throw an algebra textbook near her to freak her out a bit. All in all, she was a nice girl.

"Sorry I'm late. Stupid alarm clock. Next time I'll just"

But they didn't get to hear the rest, as the bell went off. The kids started moving, all headed twords their different classes.

"See you guys after school. I have something I need to tell you!" Jacob shouted as he headed off to his first class, Drama 2.

It was gonna be a long day.

All right, wow. Very long chapter, took me a while to write. Hope you guys like it, especially my three friends....

User Comments: [8] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 06:43pm
Kya! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! heart But if you really did call me that I'd say something like.....oh I dun know mabye..."Up yours buddy!" And I love my Tree Slave!!! 3nodding *glomps*

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 06:45pm
I hoped you would like it.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 07:13pm
oooh love this chapter and somethin like that (lower part) would happen at school...and my alarm clock will die! one of them at least.....oo this tree slave feels loved now...or semi-loved...

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 07:14pm
biggrin Now all I need is kellys approval....

Community Member
Raiko Uchiha
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 07:38pm
So this is what usually happens in the morning. Interesting, I hang around my first period class alone till people get there. (sometimes I have to wait an hour before the teacher comes in)

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 03, 2007 @ 10:14pm
OwO OMG! I lurv it...and I'm drinkin AMP right now!! You described us so....well....wow! I can't wait to see Dai-chan! *dances*

Community Member
Fragment Hearts
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 01:30am
change that three friends to four, and ill be happ. (the last setence, at the very bottom)

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 02:00am
I ment Kelly, Becky and Aisha, my friends in the story...but all right...

Community Member
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