• Small lies, forever told
    If one may be so bold
    As to say I am through
    Being with you

    I am not so keen
    As to being unseen
    By the one who “loves” me
    But never says I’m sorry

    Little things also matter
    This is why we tend to banter
    Sweet things are necessary
    To be with the one you want to marry

    Yes they might be cheesy as hell
    But they show you try hard as well
    To be with your soul mate
    But being stupid in your choices must be a gene trait

    A father at seventeen is so young
    Being an accident must have stung
    But there is still no reason to hurt everyone
    Cheating on girls must be fun

    Little dates to movies, so sweet
    Then to feel the heat
    Of her thighs
    This is getting naughty, oh my!

    Well to be very clear
    Only the end is near
    Our obscene love life
    Cut apart with the blade of a knife

    The same knife in fact
    That you used to stab me in the back
    Too bad you will never know
    The pain I cannot show

    No, all these thoughts will stay inside my head
    Until the day I lay on my death bed
    But grateful I told at least someone
    The story of a girl whose ride with love was done

    The boy in this sad tale
    He makes my days trail
    They never end, sadly
    I never knew love could hurt this badly

    He will never know what he has done
    Never know that he has won
    The long and painful war in my heart
    That has so thoroughly ripped me apart

    He will never see the tears of sorrow
    He will never feel the pain of tomorrow
    He will never find this out
    I know that without a doubt

    The future can’t be told
    No one knows what it holds
    But one day I will be free
    But for now I’ll just wait and see…