• To wake with the sunshine
    To sleep with the darkness
    To see life and its breath
    To see death and its final breath
    To open your eyes and see the sky
    To close them for your own beautiful night
    To cry just to cry
    To laugh just to laugh
    To speak for others to hear you
    To stay silent to not worry them
    To sing your favorite song with your own microphone
    To play your own instrument with just the air
    To breath as one
    To sigh when others are with you
    To smile to the mere irony
    To chuckle when irony has its own little twist in life

    To wake with a new day
    To sleep at its end
    To see your own reality
    To see your own dreams
    And to open your heart once more
    In order to close all else
    To cry so you can laugh
    To speak loudly so when you're quiet, the others can still hear you
    To sing without a voice yet only sound
    To breath in the fresh air, and to sigh when it's just that fresh
    To smile and be able to chuckle at life
    For life is life
    And to live is to live